So I had an idea for a PvP mode, Capture the Flag.
There will be 2 teams, and both of them have a fort. The goal is simple: try to guard your flag while capturing the other one.
Flags would be held like keys and pots so you can't lay bombs or something while running away back to your own fort.
Maybe 5 people on each team, so some can guard the flag, guard your fort, and get the other flag.
If you kill a person on the opposite team that captured your own flag, you have to carry it back to your fort.
Between forts would be the battleground. Also, you can only be revived by your team members, not with energy.
So what do you think of my idea?
its a good idea but there will be times were the other team is totily deafeted and the other team will capter the flag very easily so they should hold the flag like we hold the crytales so we can diffend are self when holding the flag also instead a teammate has to revive us we should just spawn at the top of the base or fort or a spawn back counter counting down from 5 or 3 so good ideas but a fuw errors