Wanted to take a moment and say goodbye to everyone on the Spiral knight's forums. I really enjoyed my time playing this game I supported it fervently and in turn made one of the best guild in spiral knights (Active). I have really enjoyed meeting all types of players trading and fighting those pesky jellies and bosses together. I am leaving on good terms most of my stuff was given to people I knew if I missed anyone I am sorry only so much stuff to go around. Thanks for everything spiral knights I hope to see this game continually improve and push new boundaries. In turns of game play this game is a lot of fun it could use some touching up in some areas such as (LAG) but other than that the game is good overall. I will be around for a bit for the start of PVP just to see where my money went and see what all the waiting was for :).
Want to thank my guild Active for making this game considerably enjoyable had a blast with u guys I hope u continue to stay strong in the game.
All the people in bazaar it was an honor to bid against u :)
Everyone From the Guilds
In the Jelly
Echo of silence
And of course all my friends u know who u are and i wish u all the best.
Goodbye all and good luck
p.s I will be making the move to Eden Eternal ign (hollafamer) on aquamarine server just message me there if u want to play.
We'll miss you hollafamer. Take care.