Look at the blocks http://i53.tinypic.com/vsh160.jpg
The new blocks are ugly. It's like someone has been playing around with the chamfer tool.
Is this Boswick's fault?
Blocks are your faces' Boswicks.

to contact me. i might have a good set of boosted platemail to sell him for his volcanic set that he "might want"
Another flame war...whoop-de-doo...This always happens somewhere...
Yup, guildmates making joking comments to one another sure is a flame war.
Towelie, you're the worst character ever.
I don't really see the difference. There's a slight bevel on the blocks in the second image?
My favorite blocks are the ones that take three hits and make super satisfying crumbly noises.

it happened? they accepted everything was boswicks fault.
forever this will be the most used quote from me.
"It IS Boswick's fault
True fact." ~cory
Look at your blocks. Now look at me. Now look at your blocks. Now look at me. Sadly, your blocks are not me.
ITT: Cory/Boswick confirmed for bro-tier.
*Edited to reflect that Cory is Boswick and Boswick is Cory. Boswick is dead, long live Boswick!*

Wow Boswick I HATE U....I made like 20 threads about you, but you never posted on them. You and I are going to have a mini-break up for sure if we were going out that is.....but if we were....then I would totally be breaking up with you. In other news.....
Providence your a XEROX I went there....

Boswick is a nut, he has a rubber butt
and every time he turns around it goes 'putt putt'.
>>Is this Boswick's fault?
Also: you're a block.