Add More Piercing Weapons
Seeing as a third of the enemies in the game are weak to piercing damage I really want to have a competent weapon available to me that does nothing but piercing damage. Currently the only options available are 4 Guns and 1 bomb. The Callahan which is too slow and the Blitz Needle which is even slower (stopping to shoot bothers me). That leaves the Sentenza and the Argent Peacemaker. The problem with these two is that they do a split of piercing/elemental or piercing/shadow. So if I took the Sentenza I would do great against beasts but normal damage against Fiends and vis versa if I took the Argent Peacemaker. The Radiant Sun Shards has the same problem as the Argent Peacemaker (split of elemental/piercing).
So what I would really like to see is a 5 star version of the Antigua that does only piercing damage or a sword that does only piercing damage.

The biggest problem I see with piercing damage is that it's exclusive to projectile weapons. The two enemy types that are weak to peircing (Fiend and Beast) are also some of the most adept monsters at dodging your shots.
Though once you've got the Wolver warp pattern down a Blitz Needle will chew them up. Though most my shots are within sword strike range and kinda negates the primary reason for the gun.

I suppose that's why we have avengers (fiends) and hunting blades (beasts) but a variety in dmg types is always good. Especially with how rare shadow is =/ (And especially since fiends are the one of the strongest enemy types with they're auto aiming crap)
It would be cool if they added say....
Rapier weapons, since they're meant for stabbing and all.
Rapiers could be pure piercing.

There are Lance Icons in the game files already, just no Lances to go with the icon.
What I want is a chainsaw blade that does Normal/Piercing. That would be the best weapon in the game, no question.
Ionized Salt Bomb is quite good at dispensing Piercing Damage.
As well as the Shock Status.
Also, the Callahan is a great gun if you can use it properly.