Ring of light just before the reset

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Legacy Username

I cant remember if it was haven 1 or 2 that I was in (I play as Hume, so if anyone remembers me being there let me know lol) but about 20 minutes before the reset this ring of light appeared on the ground. Anyone know what this was?

Legacy Username
Do you mean those circles of

Do you mean those circles of light?

Those rings of light are the Healing Circles the Gremlin Menders of T3 sometimes use. They quickly heal any mob that steps in it.
I only saw that on Haven 3, although I was in there the whole time. But guildies didn't really report about anything like that in Haven 2, and from what I heard, Haven 1 wasn't as exciting as 2 or 3.

Legacy Username
The developers were playing

The developers were playing around with us and teasing us with previews of stuff in development. Depending on which Haven you were in you got to see a lot of monsters (some never before seen) spawned, various spell effects, particle effects, and environmental effects (such as the lights being turned off).

None of the testers could possibly be in a position to say exactly what it was, other than "Something the dev team is working on".

Nick's picture
You mean like the sprites

You mean like the sprites you'll have to rescue from Vanaduke's fiery prison? Oh my!

Legacy Username
Nick, what.

Nick, what.

Splinter's picture
What is your quest?

"You mean like the sprites you'll have to rescue from Vanaduke's fiery prison? Oh my!"

Ooh does this mean there will possibly be some kind of quest aspect added here? Similar to when you are instructed to get to Haven, and then go through the Clockwork?

Were quests always planned?

Legacy Username
Those Angelites<3

Those Angelites<3

Legacy Username
What. Kelgis, I'm not


Kelgis, I'm not carrying them! Called it.

Autofire's picture
What? *blink* *blink* There

What? *blink* *blink* There was a light show, before it closed? And, and I missed it? *cries*

Legacy Username
The ghost cat wouldn't leave

The ghost cat wouldn't leave me alone
also lights were shining everywhere
it was crazy man

King-Tinkinzar's picture
"And all of the lights"

"And all of the lights"

Shoebox's picture
I totally hooked up with a

I totally hooked up with a fine piece of metallic circuitry right before the end of the world.
Or maybe it was just Boswick.

Either way, it was pretty cash.

Legacy Username
xD nick.

xD nick. I love how the Devs throw in random cliffhangers in the least-expected places. I'm not sure if those little green sprites were confirmed as "Angelites", but that would be a fitting name. Perhaps there is going to be a new extension to Vana floors, like some sort of new puzzle rather than the endless Zombie slaying we're used to doing. Not that I had a problem with slaying Zombies, though...

On-topic: I think Kawaii is right, the rings cartesian seems to be describing sound exactly like the Sanctuary rings the Gremlin Healers spawn.