cuz someone already made the same thing 15 years ago
OOO should be liable for the crap they call pvp
Ever heard of Poptag? Same deal, nothing happened.
but it is pvp. pvp stands for player vs player. it doesnt say that we need to to use the weapons that we obtained within the game, it simply states that we fight each other according to rules set by OOO. sure, they may have taken said rules from another game, but if you have a problem with it, you dont have to play it. you can wait like the rest of us and see what lockdown is all about
you and everyone else from these forums act like this game can do no wrong just because it's small
world of warcraft didn't have arenas or battlegrounds when it started out
if developers at blizzard released a [crappy] bomberman game instead of warsong gulch do you have any idea what people would have said??
*if developers at blizzard released a bomberman game instead of warsong gulch do you have any idea what people would have said??*
Have you seen the Plants vs Zombies ripoff that WoW added?
"OOO should be liable for the crap they call pvp"
Are you calling Bomberman crap? GET OUT HERETIC.
I'm so glad we don't have CTF. It's boring.
plants vs aliens rip off was 1 QUEST, it wasn't hyped, or advertised, there are no leader boards
its one quest out probably 10,000 in that game, you don't play it more than once, you do the quest, it takes 5 minutes
but I guess I see what you're saying since the PVP in this game you can only play for 5 minutes before you just leave of embarrassment
It gets even worse, folks. I have now discovered that even the gameplay at the GATES was lifted off a game called Legend of Zelda! Check out the video at . At 1:35, there are even ghouls! Maaan, Nintento's gonna sue.
@ sethcohendx
first, i never playes WoW. second, i never said a game can do no wrong. the way you say it, pvp must have swords and guns to be pvp. this is untrue. i have yet to really see any wrong this game has done. you and many others who complain act as if everything must be handed to them. the people who complain about CE prices are pretty greedy or impatient, in which case, this may not be the game for them. the people who complain about blast network seem to forget that it is still new to this game. the ones that complain that the new pvp is a bomberman rip off, well then every game with pvp is some kind of rip off from another game if you think about it. every single game out now is based off another game that came before it, intentionally, or unintentionally. i highly doubt there is a game out there that is truley 100% unique in a way that absolutly no other person has come up with in game mechanics, graphix, sound, plot, and many other technicalities. however, if you could provide such a game i will bow to you and give my apologies. until then, you come across as an ingorant person who just wants to complain.
DA HORROR! I think. cause i cant watch it due to stuff.
what i am about to say is totally off topic, but your name reminds me of another person on the forums of a website called for the Lego thing Bionicle. which i think is awesome. stupid Hero Factory. jsut saying. anyways, his name was ORYLY. or something like that. and they had stories on the forums. so whenever someone use the phrase "O really?" in a story, the user ORYLY would pop out of a portal and bonk the person who said it with his hammer.
Hey, companies can sue for the stupidest reasons.
Bethesda is suing Notch, creator of Minecraft, because he's making a side project under the working title of Scroll.
They claim that it's an infringement on their Elder Scrolls titles. Which of course is stupid. You can't copyright a word. They're just worried because with Minecraft selling 3 million copies, they figure Notch's success will take away from their profits with Skyrim.
"Bethesda is suing Notch, creator of Minecraft, because he's making a side project under the working title of Scroll.
They claim that it's an infringement on their Elder Scrolls titles. Which of course is stupid. You can't copyright a word. They're just worried because with Minecraft selling 3 million copies, they figure Notch's success will take away from their profits with Skyrim."
someday i'm going to copyright the word copyright.
My name's a reference to this the meme at and is also a pun on my real name.
the fact that anyone would defend OOO makes me sick at my stomach
you know there are good f2p games like league of legends, team fortress, dragon nest?
yet you people sit here playing bomberman and farming almirian seals off the same OLD boss so you can get cool gear for...
what exactly??
oh, that's right, there IS NOTHING ELSE
whether you like it or not PvP/online play is more or less a prerequisite for all games in 2011, EVEN those [crappy] movie tie in games for xbox have online gameplay
and when I say PVP I mean REAL GAMEPLAY against other players, if World of Warcraft didn't allow you to attack other players at all but instead added in a fully featured BEJEWELED mod where you could compete against your friends I WOULD NOT CONSIDER THAT PVP BUT CLEARLY YOU ALL WOULD
OOO has decided not only to ditch the idea whole idea of a proper PVP but also spit in our faces but adding this bomberman replica minigame and advertising it as PVP
what a joke
anyone can sue for any reason to be honest, but this isnt about hwo is suing who. this is about player who is all bent out of shape because he/she is unhappy with a great game
All right, I may have inforced the OP's behavior, becuase I call three rings out allot, only for their own good, and saw him on one of my threads.
Look man, bomberman is fun, don't diss that. It's fine to say that you are dissapointed that they copied that, but since they copied it, you cant make fun of it without hurting the original. And it is just as fun as the original, I personaly play it. I was still dissapointed that they only did half of what was expected of them by many many people. Sorry if I'm belittleing you dispite the fact that I'm somewhat agreeing with you.
Onto the commenters, Someone here claimed that that's like saying htis is a rip off of zelda. And that's the real crap. All this has in common with zelda is the camera angle, and the fact that you kill stuff with old school fantay weapons, and the square shrubs and all that good stuff. On the otherhand, the PVP is nearly a direct copy of the cross-shaped bombs exploding down the maze of blocks that makes up the playing feild. Your response to the OP is invalid, becuase pvp is almost exactaly like bomberman, whereas gate gameplay is only very very slightly like zelda.
this game is one of the few that many mac users like myself can play. i did not choose the mac, a family member did and instead of spitting it back in their face, i use it with vigor.
nothing else you say? this is the same for all games everywhere. each one has some sort of ending, each one has a "final" boss, each one has end game gear for certain classes, each one is exactly the same in this sence.
as for the pvp, it is REAL pvp with REAL GAMEPLAY against other players. you think those other characters in different colored circles are NPCs?
again, PVP is PLAYER VS PLAYER. there are no prerequisits concerning how it is done. infact, if you really want to get in depth with it, anything with a scoreboard is pvp. why? because your competeing against real people for a top score.
srry about that. i just had to get that out of my system. but still. if u dont like it, then just don't play it. play world of warcraft or something. These kind of threads are getting old. well, not really. sort of. they're entertainin.
i just think it's sad
this game WOULD greatly benefit from a fully fleshed out PVP system
instead OOO blows their money on who knows what
all we do know is it couldn't have cost them anything to throw together that bomberman SH IT
if the player base was more uptight and angry like I am
instead of 13 year old girls forgiving the game for its every mistake
the developers might actually listen and release something worthwhile next time
oh well your loss
I was looking forward to spiral knights pvp
I was a beta player and thought the system was fun before but could have used a 50% damage reduction
i had already moved on and just checked in to see the pvp
its non existant so
back to league of legends
Nobody says that OOO is perfect. There have been numerous balance updates since the game was released that came from player feedback (i.e. complaints). For example, piercing damage was rare until Wolvers and Slimes were updated. Oilers that caught on fire were ridiculously overpowered before they were rebalanced. Getting shocked was severely crippling before the duration was shortened.
PVP during beta was an experiment. It didn't work because it was horribly unbalanced. Reducing the damage wouldn't solve that. It also causes a huge divide between players with 5 star gear with superior UVs and players with basic low star gear. Even if the proper steps were taken to rebalance everything, the cycle would repeat when new gear is introduced to the game.
Keep in mind that when you use "13 year old girls" as an insult, you are insulting women in general, implying that they are somehow inferior. This game is better off without the influence of misogynistic players such as yourself.
"If you really don't like the direction OOO is taking with this game, you are welcome to quit. Nobody is forcing you to play."
So true.
What part of "More events coming soon!" did you miss in the Blast Network announcement? Blast Network is ONE MODE, it just happens to be the first one they released. And it's kind of hilarious that some people are getting so bent out of shape about it.
Seriously. Chill out. It is a game, a pretty fun game, and blast network is a fun little addition to this fun little game. I'm personally looking forward to when they release some other stuff - I get the feeling it should be entertaining.
*Your response to the OP is invalid, becuase pvp is almost exactaly like bomberman, whereas gate gameplay is only very very slightly like zelda.*
Actually, one of the reasons I love this game is because it IS exactly like Zelda. LOL!
Run around hack-n-slash with the same general style. It's why I'm here.
*the fact that anyone would defend OOO makes me sick at my stomach*
So leave. Seriously.
If you don't like it, don't play. Nobody's forcing you to.
There's obviously thousands of people who love this game. You're not going to convince them not to play by being an immature prat on the forums.
Leave, and never come back. If you're going to stay and play, then stop trolling the forums.
you said "again, PVP is PLAYER VS PLAYER. there are no prerequisits concerning how it is done." Now you're doing what three rings did, and it was the sole action that upset me the most. They went "meh, it's technicaly player vs player, grab a bomb, get outa mah face". There were indeed prerequisites for this, that were stated in the infininite database the spiral fourms contain. It's safe to say they couldint fufill all those ideas, but not once did someone say "Hey lets make bomberman"
@ N3cR0m4nS1r
I criticise them becuase I love this game. It's rude and insulting to bunch me in with the haters just becuase I think they should change their ways to some extent.
Once again, dont push bomberman around. And Most people like me arent fogiving them. But I'm not hating on them, I've opened up numerous threads saying that this was a stupid idea. I call them out hulk-hogan style (not a fan) to get them to realize their mistakes, but I tont call them bad words or claim that they are bad people. Nonetheless, I get grouped up with people like you who see this as bullying them around as opposed to raising your kid to eat spinach. You should stop acting like a 15 year old girl who runs around getting into catfights my freind.
"PVP is PLAYER VS PLAYER. there are no prerequisits concerning how it is done. infact, if you really want to get in depth with it,
anything with a scoreboard is pvp. why? because your competeing against real people for a top score."
Yes, Gimpy, and they could put even put the scoreboard on a big piece of [crap] and still claim it's pvp
the problem with that is when you hype something, and advertise something, promise something
and then you release it
and all it is
is a big piece of [crap]
you lose the respect of your player-base
and noone's going to want to play your game after that
"@ N3cR0m4nS1r
I criticise them becuase I love this game. It's rude and insulting to bunch me in with the haters just becuase I think they should change their ways to some extent."
I don't recall talking to you in this thread, least of all insulting u or anything.
sethcohendx, you lose my respect. I agree that this pvp wasnt the way to go, but calling it shuh-iht is just flat out mean. You are arguing like a ten year old throwing a tantrum, stop playing spiral knights like N3cR0m4nS1r said if you don't like it, becuase youve acted in a way to make people not like you. And ironicaly, this is what you are criticising three rings for. Acting in a way people dislike, and not listening to people input.
speeking of you N3cR0m4nS1r, I was reffering to the;
srry about that. i just had to get that out of my system. but still. if u dont like it, then just don't play it. play world of warcraft or something. These kind of threads are getting old. well, not really. sort of. they're entertainin."
I did not mean you were speaking to me, sorry, I was just saying dont you dare stick me with him. A bit of a pre-emptive defense, but I keep getting clumped up with the extremists, so I'm keeping my guard up.
"You cannot compare SK to WoW."
you know what Velops
you're right
there's TWO huge differences between the games
one has pvp
one does not
one is hugely successful
one is not
"I did not mean you were speaking to me, sorry, I was just saying dont you dare stick me with him. A bit of a pre-emptive defense, but I keep getting clumped up with the extremists, so I'm keeping my guard up."
NP. but the title for that post did say: @sethcohendx.
"You cannot compare SK to WoW."
you know what Velops
you're right
there's TWO huge differences between the games
one has pvp
one does not
one is hugely successful
one is not"
That is so true. WoW is fail, while SK is SOOO much better.
Never say things with loopholes.
Actually, I never played WoW, so I wouldn't know. But still.
sorry I knew you guys were stupid I thought maybe not completely braindead tho
wow has pvp
sk does not
wow is hugely successful
sk is not
"sorry I knew you guys were stupid I thought maybe not completely braindead tho
wow has pvp
sk does not
wow is hugely successful
sk is not"
Now, for the best retort there is:
Prove it.
And i am not stupid or braindead. But I know u r.
I'm insane.
Oh, missed the begining one post N3cR0m4nS1r, my bad, but better safe than sorry.
Once again sethcohendx, you say "the pvp is too much like bomberman" but reply saying "the game should be more like world of warcraft"
You are saying "copying is wrong" then you say "copy this guys" contradictory, again. Your the only one out there questioning OOO becuase youve turned people who oppose pvp like me against you by acting like a jerk. No one on this fourm respects you other than yourself. Get out.
Spiral KniGHTS into Dreams is a video game. When people play those, it's usually to relax or commune with fellow sentient creatures. So let's not fight and be mean. The community can be a communital communing place of communal comtastic community love if only SK's playerbase will look deep inside their hearts. They might also want to look deep inside their earths, fires, winds, and waters while they're at it. And with your (the denizens of Cradle) powers combined, I am Captain Pla-
In all fairness, the PVP in Spiral Zone Knights is really more like... BVP. "Bombs Vs. Person". The knights never do any exploding, you see. Bombs. You want it (the bombs)? It's (they're) yours, my friend. As long as you have enough crowns. This is the mentality behind BVP, which might also be an acronym for "Big Name Very important Person" somewhere in internetland (with the first "n" being implied and/or silent).
With that said, please don't make topics bashing Three Rings Man or the game without offering constructive criticism. I think in order to do that you have a license to operate heavy machinery or be an architect. You Mr. OP are an astute and beautiful person who is cognizant, like all the posters on this forum. So why insult each others' intellect-elligences? We could encourage people to read the books if we want to be better at smartness, but putting someone down because of their perceived brainy brains neglects to consider the myriad of socioeconomic factors and types of inTelefang-elligences which are part of the holistic being behind the monitor (cut the monitors!) What do I mean by that? Who knows.
Please have a good day and keep on winning!
Throwing around insults like elementary school children does not change the fact that it IS pvp, although not the form you specifically wanted (still very fun to a lot of players).
It's PVP, yes its a bomberman knockoff, its fun though... even with the afkers. There will also be other things coming out for pvp, like the lockdown thing. Possibly the unbalanced fighting that most of the beta-players asked to have changed and other people are spazzing over wanting also.
As for WoW being hugely successful... so is RS, and it has about 140 million more active accounts then WoW does.
You can't really compare WoW and SK though (or WoW and RS :p) due to one having a monthly subscription and the other being F2P... kind of like comparing apples to coconuts.
Your right! How dare they make a game unworthy of you! You should sue for the pain and hardship!
Add a PvP mini game like players asked? Worthless company!
WoW used to be a great game... once upon a time. But sadly they realized that modern gamers are generally less than brilliant. So they dumbed down the game in some areas. Then others. And others. Etc...
Now it's pretty much a game that plays itself. The skill once needed is long gone.
It's one of the reasons I stopped playing.
SK was ok until PvP.made the CE prices go up by a hundred crowns I noticed.
The OP is so..just out there it is hard to comment(cant say stuff like we do on YPP forums). One stop hitting enter after every time you finish a sentence. Seriously have you ever seen what Runescape calls PVP? I looked it up just to make the point that, it will just be swing, swing, swing, dead. Better weapons wins. The only reason WoW has successful PVP I believe is because you can cast spells and all which makes for a little but not much strategy. The only one out of these games I have played is Diablo 2, and PVP on that was just plain boring. Basically if you hit attack as many times as you wanted with better gear you would win. Spells did mean a little, but not much. This game doesn't have the variant that spells add in. If you want to attack spam and find that fun, be my guest, but for me personally it will be boring after the first match.
"SK was ok until PvP.made the CE prices go up by a hundred crowns I noticed."
Really? I didn't notice that.
O yes, @Seth
WoW is only more succesfulish than SK because SK is only less than 1 year old, while WoW is like, lots of years old. So, DUH.
And WoW needs monthly money payment, which is incredibly dumb. SK doesn't. U don't even need to spend real money. Unless u r desperae for fast CE and the other stuff that comes with the starter pack.
Blast Network is fun for me, and loads of others too. OOO doesn't need to change anything if u complain to them, unless u r the supreme ruer of the universe, which u obviously aren't.
"wow has pvp
sk does not"
i dunno about WoW, but SK does have PvP. It may be like bomberman, but it is still called PvP. I mean, PvP is Player-vs-Player. If you hadnt noticed, you kill each other in Blast Network. Which means you fight against each other. Which means Player vs player. Is it that hard for you to understand? i though you were a smart human being like us. i guess not. i mean, when it says pvp, its pvp. OOO called it pvp, so its pvp. i mean, player vs player isnt YuY. its PvP. thats why its called pvp. DUH.
o. and also about the part where you said sk is not succesful and wow is. fyi, millions of people play this game. that means it is SUCCESFUL. i mean, if it wasnt, none of us would be playing it. DUH
Obviously a troll.
Mr. sethcohendx. You do know that this little "excuse they call PvP" is a mode of PvP that they wanted to get in our hands ASAP? Think of it as a small transition to the "real" PvP everyone like you oh so wants. Be happy that it's at least being updated and not dead.
If you hate this game so much why play it? Otherwise, find some enjoyment in it. You won't enjoy anything if you always look at each and every negative sides of the game.
You all are like small elementary school kids that got into a fight if Spongebob or Timmy is the best cartoon character. Why don't you all do us a favour and stop your little back and forth quarrel of stupidity? :>
+1000, best post.
Also sethcohendx, like most posters already said, this IS pvp. As the first of more than one planned PVP mode, the BN is a good start because it is accessible for all players and well balanced (the lag kinda sucks though). Why not sit tight and wait to see what the new modes will be before you drop your bundle?
this may have been mentioned, but full on PVP in the sense of combat using your weapons and armour against other players is not in the spirit of the game, it just does not fit as there are no different (playable) factions within the game that are at odds, and - story wise - we are all struggling towards the same end (discouvering the secrets of cradle). There are plenty of games out there that have a good pvp system, go and play one of those or.......................stop crying like a 5year old.
"You all are like small elementary school kids that got into a fight if Spongebob or Timmy is the best cartoon character."
> you know there are good f2p games like league of legends, team fortress, dragon nest?
And yet, you're still here.
Rational people, when they encounter a FREE GAME that they do not care for will...
Wait for it..
Any second now...
Here it comes...
The fact that you don't do this and are instead ranting on and peeing your pants like a 3 year old who got his candy bar taken away before dinner identifies you as an irrational fool. Just go away. Everyone involved will be happier.
these are all people that said bomberman online on consoles was fail.
if they can fix the lag issues, blast network will be a huge hit. currently its not fun because you're not fighting other players as much as you are fighting the game.
i love bomberman. im awesome at it. but i can't get into SK pvp because of the horrible netcode.
id gladly pay more if it meant theyd do something about the netcode.
No wonder seth hasn't comented. Though I do dissagree with the majority,wheras it is "is" pvp it isn't that new.
That's like if I could play spiral knights on bomberman. Why would I? I can already play regular spiral knights. So why play bomberman on spiral knights? The only insentive to play it is for the rewards, and I find that dissapointing. That's like going to dave&busters only to get the tickets and prize. I personaly go there for the cool mech game. So let's say I had this mech game at my house before hand. Why go to dave&busters? I don't want the prize, and I can play it at my house. The same principle applys to spiral knights. Why would I need this here? I don't hate it, it's just pointless,and three rings wasting their own time is what makes me mad. I just want them to do better.
And necromancer, I got a bone to pick with you...
Eh, I played bomberman online on PC -
It was really fun.
..But they blocked international IP's and probably closed down. I haven't really thought of it since.
This was like a godsend - now I don't have to be all "man, I want to play a run, but I want to make sure it's profitabl- OH LOOK AN FSC OPENED YAY" ALL the time.
Not only does Blast Network hint of (but isn't exactly like) a game that I liked/was good at, but I can also make money off of other players while playing it :D
I have fun playing with those people - running into top players and trying to see if I can match them (either in a race to kill the worse players or trying to stop their streaks)... all the while making money and tokens to boost the money gain even more (lol, mod calibrators <3).
Why would I rather play bomberman inside spiral knights?
- I don't currently have any ties to any current bomberman online servers (I hear there are private servers now)
- I get to play versus players (and it's not always the same!)
- I make money while playing, so I can fund the energy I want to make more things.
- I can relax thinking about CE for a while :D