I find it kind of annoying when I'm trying to use a vial or a health capsule and I accidentally press whatever button for a remedy capsule and I end up wasting it when I don't have a status effect on. You can't use a health capsule when your health is full, so why not make it so you can't use a remedy capsule when you aren't affected by poison, fire, shock, freeze etc.?
Make Remedy Capsules not useable unless you have a status effect
In addition to this, even when I DO have a status condition, I will run away and spam my hotkey for it to make sure it does it (2-3 button presses) and then boom, my 2-3 capsules are gone. It's a better option than hitting it once before my attack animation is over and not having it kick in at all, but it needs to be fixed. I can only carry three and sometimes that's still not enough (shocklocking anyone?)
Also, not that it matters too much, but the achievment is kind of stupid because you can get it without ever having to use a remedy capsule for the reason they are there for. Still, the reason mentioned is the real reason why this would help (even though I don't hold on to remedy capsules too often), I jsut thought I'd throw out another reason :P
+1 Also, I kinda wish that either they would, activate faster or just not be interrupted by every possible thing xD
This idea I support so whole-heartedly I would never have thought it possible.
Add them in the Advanced Training Hall as well, near the status traps, for good measure.