So, I started playing Spiral Knights about a month ago, but it wasn't till yesterday that one of these monstrosities decided to appear.
You've probably been there, seen that; a room of sorts brimming with little Lichens, nothing blocking them from merging together. Hey, I'd even gotten used to expecting Lichen Colonies. But suddenly...
Now, I'm fairly easily spooked. The other evening I managed to get scared by my own shadow while out biking, so this thing popping up out of "nowhere" kinda, well, surprised me. Cue mass-screenshotting. I beat it easily enough, though. :V
To the actual point of this post!
I drew fanart. :3
Figured someone else on here might like seeing it or something, so hello. .o/
Spiral Knights needs more fanart like that of... everything. Especially gremlins :3
...sorry for that smiley.
Seriously, good work there. The background is kinda wishy-washy, but otherwise, can't really complain.