Suddenly, Giant Lichen Colony

130 replies [Last post]
Tusch's picture

So, I started playing Spiral Knights about a month ago, but it wasn't till yesterday that one of these monstrosities decided to appear.

You've probably been there, seen that; a room of sorts brimming with little Lichens, nothing blocking them from merging together. Hey, I'd even gotten used to expecting Lichen Colonies. But suddenly...

Now, I'm fairly easily spooked. The other evening I managed to get scared by my own shadow while out biking, so this thing popping up out of "nowhere" kinda, well, surprised me. Cue mass-screenshotting. I beat it easily enough, though. :V

To the actual point of this post!

I drew fanart. :3

Figured someone else on here might like seeing it or something, so hello. .o/

Legacy Username
Spiral Knights needs more

Spiral Knights needs more fanart like that of... everything. Especially gremlins :3

...sorry for that smiley.

Seriously, good work there. The background is kinda wishy-washy, but otherwise, can't really complain.

Tusch's picture
Thanks for the compliment.

Thanks for the compliment. :D! And hah, yeah, I got absurdly lazy with the background. Spent hours fiddling with the colour blending on the colony and a good while on the lineart for my knight too, so when it came to the background I was all "I wanna be done D:". So a couple of layers of blended textures that look a'ight on my desktop and I called it a day.

Wow, that is really good!

Wow, that is really good! Please make more!

Keosermer's picture
Draw a pic of Alpha Squad

Draw a pic of Alpha Squad standing on a dead snarbolax! or splattered by the goop of the royal jelly.

Theskyblade's picture
nice fan art

plz make more!

Thimol's picture

That's so cute. I'd like for you to draw more stuff.

Incoherrant's picture
What do you mean, bumping.

Yo peeps, now I can actually sign in with the account I play and a character I wouldn't mind carrying the name of... :V

So uhm. Thankoo for all the kind comments. :D

Have another drawing. \o/
Tiny lichen (thus totally relevant to this thread). Also lower quality and a bit sad cos I was in a sucky mood but wanted to draw fanart. So yes.

Jim-Dale's picture
I see a double entendre, you

I see a double entendre, you filthy man.

Incoherrant's picture

I- don't see said double entendre. :o English isn't my first language, though.

Also, more.

Pretty much an advanced layout sketch, might finish it all shiny and all. But lazy. x.x Took about five hours to get it to the rough point it's at.
Still some giant lichen colony. Although if I scribble enough I may just keep flinging it here, lichens or not.

Mysticbeam's picture

love the trojan and the gremlin :D

Duskfinder's picture
lol jm and u

I like the rocket puppy and howlitzer

Coneykrab's picture

Love the Retrode trying to crawl out from under the trojan, poor guy! :P

Momito's picture
Lovely stuff! <3 The puppy

Lovely stuff! <3 The puppy and the wolver look adorable on the last one :D
You draw your stuff direclty on the computer? With a table or something of the like?

Incoherrant's picture

I have a graphics tablet, yes. :) It's an old wacom somethingorother that has started falling apart, but getting a new one this very week. Happy artist.
Sometimes I do stuff on paper too, but I haven't had access to a scanner for ages. There's a webcam photo of a scribble I did on the ref i keep handy for my ingame self, though:

Also, thank you all for commenting, and glad the group pic is doing its "several things going onnn, ohh, look at that too" thing satisfyingly. :D

Brawl's picture

Nice drawing :)

Momito's picture
I have a wacon too, a Bamboo

I have a wacon too, a Bamboo or something of the like. Don't use much though, I don't have time to draw nowadays =[
I like your stuff, it is so sweet! If you have a DA account, share! :D I would love to follow you there ^^

Incoherrant's picture
Shame with the lack of time.

Shame with the lack of time. :( Really sucks when you can't sit down to draw despite wanting to.

I upload stuff to it pretty infrequently, as I tend to forget I have it - and be picky about what I actually upload. But it's there. :)

Also this. Which has no artistic value, but D:

Mysticbeam's picture
draw more plz!

ur a rly good drawer lol :D

Incoherrant's picture
All this furniture x)

Thankoo! :D Wuvpuppy. I'm considering getting some fimo clay and making one for my desk.

Mysticbeam's picture

ur such a good drawer :)

Grittle's picture
epic, can you do a picture of

epic, can you do a picture of a guy in full rock jelly holding an electron vortex, with bunches of jellies and zombies being sucked in the back, and it saids in subtitles "Got Vortex?"

Lemonadium's picture

I want to see more from you. More art please.

Incoherrant's picture
Replies! :o

"can you do a picture of a guy in full rock jelly holding an electron vortex, with bunches of jellies and zombies being sucked in the back, and it saids in subtitles "Got Vortex?""

I would be capable of doing this, yes. It would be a lot of work, though, and I don't really feel the idea. Sorry. :/

"I want to see more from you. More art please."
Snarby fully corrupted by the Swarm (rather than just, say, rabid). I haven't worked with pixellation effects before, dunno if it turned out well.

I really luv ur work. :0

I really luv ur work. :0

Ehsan's picture

I've been surfing the forums for a long time, and you are easily the best artist of the SK community. Do you do commissions? PWEASE?

Birgus's picture
Thank you for sharing with

Thank you for sharing with us! The group picture is going into my wallpaper rotation, and it explains to me why I rarely see Beasts and Fiends together; Chromalisks and Silkwings don't get along too well. :D

Regarding damage types, the asymmetry helped me to memorise type matchups by grouping monsters as follows:
1) Beast and Construct
2) Slime and Gremlin
3) Fiend and Undead.
The Shadow-Shadow hole in the matrix makes group 1 special, while the Pierce-Elemental holes make group 3 special. It helped me to decide on first weapons to aim for, too.

Incoherrant is an epic name, I wish I'd thought of that.

Weedle's picture
Awesome work, Incoherrant!

Awesome work, Incoherrant! Keep it up!

Nechrome's picture
dang, man, you draw so good!

dang, man, you draw so good! i need to learn how to draw like that. The only things I'm good at drawing are stick figure battle scenes...

Balduron's picture
110% support.

110% support.

Incoherrant's picture
Ooh, manyreply. :o

Thankoo for all the compliments/support given. :3

"Do you do commissions? PWEASE?"
Depends what you want! I am notoriously lazy, so something like the wallpaper in the OP would be entirely out of the question. Could probably be talked into doing something of a similar quality as the love puppies or this, though: (Drawn for that gremlin-art contest Iskender's throwing.)
Not sure what I'd charge for it. Been a while since I've been doing commissions of any kind, and it's never been for an ingame currency before. :o

"The group picture is going into my wallpaper rotation, and it explains to me why I rarely see Beasts and Fiends together; Chromalisks and Silkwings don't get along too well. :D"
Chromalisks thinks they get along great. ;P

"Incoherrant is an epic name, I wish I'd thought of that."
Awh, thanks. :D

"The only things I'm good at drawing are stick figure battle scenes..."
I think that might actually be an excellent start. Battle scenes imply movement and interaction, two things many artists have a lot of trouble getting down. Keep up practicing, you can only become better. :)

Murex's picture
No aaa

That poor bomber. D:


Funny 'cause I'm a status bomber... and sometimes do get into trouble when there's lots of gremlin bomber around.

Wuvvums's picture
I am a bomber too. Under my

I am a bomber too. Under my costume armor I got the mad bomber set owo

Incoherrant's picture
Mad bomber? :O

You crazy! D: (On a sidenote, I saw some of your scribbles and they're lovely. :3)

But yeah, gremlin bombers. They are maddening. :| Second only to mecha knights in the "cause of lag" hierarchy for me.

Anywho, I bring new art.

I'm not convinced I did the motive any favours by trying to paint it rather than just toon away like I usually do, but my painting skills do need practice. Also, tasty.

Wuvvums's picture
N'aww, those are adorable

N'aww, those are adorable little lizards! <3

Psychodestroyer's picture

Man you guys have some art skillz. SO cool.

My favs here:

1. This guy's just like: " crud."

2. ......He must like Jelly. I find it a little ironic how the weapon he has is piercing, so it'd take longer to kill the jelly, but it still died, and now he mourns it's death... so sad.

3.'s thoughts) 'Hm.....What to throw, what to throw...'

4. Just cute. Read the fanfic of the Lovepuppy's origin someone wrote: Marielle and the Love Puppy.

5. .......That knight must feel very awkward, having a Gremlin try to plant a bomb on his head.

Incoherrant's picture
Ooh, thank you for all the comments. :)

Ooh, thank you for all the comments. :) And that is a cute fanfic~

In other news, Balduron asked me to draw king Tinkinzar. So far I have this sketch. Feedback on the design I came up with for him would be lovely, particularly suggestions on what to do with the "crown". :|

Wuvvums's picture
I think the crown feels a

I think the crown feels a little "flat" because it's a gear. Perhaps you can work a crown-like object that's made from scrap metal and cogs?

Expired's picture
These are great man.

These are great man.

Incoherrant's picture
Thankoo, Expired. :)

Yeah, my plan on the even rougher stage of the sketch involved something jutting up so it got more of a crown shape, but then I couldn't think of how to make it work. :/ Issa tricky one. Thank you for the feedback, though. :3

Happyapathy's picture
just a suggestion

I think it would help with organization if you were place a link to each of your artwork pieces in your original post to make them easier to find for people. Keep the good work coming :D

Incoherrant's picture

Is an excellent suggestion. :) I've been considering making an entirely new thread, actually, so it's posted under this name and all and so it's less "amagad lichen". Not sure which is the better idea.

I also made this.

It's pretty lazily made; I liked the idea, but I didn't feel like spending hours on making it look proper. > >; Snarbykitten, though.

Axonio's picture
Needs more cookies.

Needs more cookies.

Ztype's picture
Wow! Keep up the cool

Wow! Keep up the cool drawings!

Wuvvums's picture
That's really adorable! <3

That's really adorable! <3

Grittle's picture
can you draw vanaduke has a

can you draw vanaduke has a couch potato eating souls , watching a tv, and on a burnt recliner XD

now thats the LOL

Scrappert's picture
Keep up the good work!

Keep up the good work!

Knight-Solaire's picture
Snarby eating

Snarby eating cake...

Windsickle's picture
I can't help but agree.

I can't help but agree. These are really nice quality.

Incoherrant's picture
eee, comments. :3

Thank you, erryone. :D

Another case of "I could probably do that, but I don't really wanna". Vana is a serious pain to draw and if I can avoid ever doing it again, well... D:

Also, I probably won't be adding many (if any) drawings through the rest of November. I'll be busy writing (partially fanfic, which I just threw a thread up with). Might throw some pictures of my love puppy if I get around to crafting it, though. :)

Myllakka's picture
That last picture is epic on

That last picture is epic on so many levels. Snarbykitten being the cutest for sure, but Vana being all hunched and trying to be dainty with his teacup is great fun. Poor JK with his lack of hands--no cake or tea fo' yo'. RT's missing his twin, and I just wanna pet his belly.

All your picture are awesome! I'm surprised (and elated) at how many great artists we have.