Seems solo will give you more materials/coins/heat then party, since everytihng gets split right? But solo will be harder and slower? Can someone state the pro's and con's of solo Vs party? Thanks.
Is it better to solo or party in this game?

Heat and crowns ae taken by all, it doesn't matter who takes first. If you get a coin, ever member of your party will get too.
The same doesn't apply to materials or tokens or hearts.
Materials: no matter who takes it first, it seems that a random player will receive the material.
Tokens: first takes, first gets.
Hearts: if you take a heart, it'll still appear to the others, what let them take the same as well.
I'm not much sure about the material distribution, but that's what it seems. So I do prefer doing solo when I need a special one.

Everybody gets the heat and coins you pick-up, but the materials are distributed in a random fashion. So going in a party yields you the same amount of heat and coins, as you would get going solo, but you get less materials.
The biggest advantage for going down with a party is that party members can revive each other by giving each other health. This significantly increases your chances of survival. In addition, although the strength of the opponents depends on the number of players, their number doesn't. This means that the odds are better for a party, and allows for tactics that would otherwise be impossible. (Trojans, for example, are very hard to deal with when you are alone.) This also means that clearing a level with a party is typically faster.
If you are trying to obtain specific materials, then going solo is advisable, although it might take longer, and cost more energy (for revives).
> Everybody gets the same crowns
> Everbody gets the same heat
> Everybody gets the same tokens
> Faster
> Can revive each other
> Mats get randomly distributed
> Enemies get more hp
In general, party-play is much easier and faster than solo play. With a good team, you can easily clear levels 3x faster than if you were on solo, and sometimes it's even easier. The only real disadvantage is that monsters are harder to kill/stronger - However, with more players, this doens't end up being a problem, unless your party members are useless and die every three seconds.
Materials are indeed individual, though round robin is currently broken, so the order of obtaining materials is random. However, the material drop rate also increases slightly if you have more members in your party.
The main advantage from party play is reviving; Party members can revive other fallen members by walking up to them and using half of their health to revive a member. This also gives the one reviving 30% of the revived's current heat, which can be good for farming tons of heat for one person on arenas or the such.
Tokens, heat and crowns are all shared, however not "split", but rather multiplied - So everyone gets the same amount as if they were soloing. Hearts are similar, however they're local - Everyone gets their own, but they have to pick them up themselves.
Minerals aswell are shared - So when playing in a party, you can get more minerals than normal.
At high end, some certain levels will also be way too difficult to complete on solo (Jelly King, T3 arenas, the new Vanaduke, etc) so party-play is always encouraged.

From what I heard about the Tokens, they're like crowns and heat. Everyone gets them, no matter who picks them up. You get one, everyone gets one. Same thing with minerals - if one person picks up a mineral, everyone gets that mineral.
Also, if you die, someone can revive you, so you save a bit of energy on reviving. Or if you're out of energy, you might have a generous knight who will pay for your elevator costs. :)
The only time I solo is when I want to farm for materials.

thats good to know about the tokens, otherwise boss runs wouldnt be very token lucrative if they were split up, or worse, random distribution
Another nice thing about grouping is it makes the energy bonus rooms (treasure or danger) worthwhile.
If you're like me, you weigh the rewards of these rooms in terms of crowns and heat gained vs the energy you spend to access them and compare it to the cost of going to a whole new floor. There is very rarely 20-30% of a floor's energy/crowns in a treasure room. Heck, even danger rooms are tough to justify in terms of cost/reward (never mind risk).
However, since only one person in the party needs to open these rooms for the entire party to profit (crowns and heat go to everyone, after all) having additional people means that you're now getting 4x the reward without spending 4x the energy. Now a room only has to have 5-7.5% the amount a floor does to be worth opening, which is awesome.

Minerals get distributed to everyone.
I think I saw a tip about this and it said exactly that. So it doesn't matter who has the biggest mineral.

if you want everything for you Gold, Crowns and everything ells sow go by your self... if you like to share your goods sow go with friends hand have a blast!

* More Materials
* No arguments (LOL)
* Higher chance of having to spend energy for revives
* Less Minerals
* Less Crowns
* Less Heat
PARTY = Less mats for you, but more crowns, minerals and heat!
I am skeptical of the assertion that party play is easier than solo, since I'm not sure if it's just the hit points or the entire instances that scale in difficulty depending on how many players are present. All I know is that I find enemies much more manageable when I'm by myself. It can also depend on the skill level of the players I get grouped with, as useless party members are making the enemies more difficult without contributing enough to make up for it.
Certainly, you get more crowns/minerals in party play, and maybe more heat.
Party play gives you insurance and flexibility. If you die, you have a decent chance of a free res. Also, it's pretty easy to get mobbed in arenas or challenge rooms solo, but they're trivially easy if you have a good partner. Me and a partner typically take turns running around in circles dropping bombs/gunning while the other stands by picking off easy targets and switching off when they stop following.
Effectively you don't get any extra cash or heat, but the total income is multiplied by up to 4 depending on the number of players. If you've got those kinds of friends, or alts taking up space in the party, you are effectively increasing your crowns income by that amount. And as mentioned, party play features free resurrections. If you die, someone can pick you back up without an energy penalty. If EVERYONE dies, well, maybe someone in the party shouldn't be at that level of the Clockworks yet.
Solo if you are hunting specific mats.
Party if you aren't looking for specific mats.
i personally like to solo so i can get all the materials / heat / crowns, though they may be distributed more fairly than original thought when playing with others. i imagine its a lot easier/quicker when playing in groups, but I like the game as a single player experience for now. the better your equipment the easier a particular tier is going to be to solo. however even with the best equipment it may still be pretty difficult to solo tier 3, and it might be near impossible to tackle any of the games bosses solo. i dont know from experience yet though, as i just got tier 2 clearance and am still working on some better equipment.
it would be nice if someone could explain the distribution of heat / crowns / mats when playing with 1 or more other players. although that has probably been touched on enough in another thread, so maybe they could just link us to that one.
at some point I will probably get more adventurous and go party with others, but right now im selfish. :)