Numbers represent shots in 30 seconds.
First number is just spamming shots and reloading while the second number is shield-canceling the 2nd to the last shot.
Driver - 33, 36
Polaris - 54, 60
Driver - 30, 34
Polaris - 45, 50
Driver - 26, 32
Polaris - 39, 48
What could be the meaning of this?
1. Attack speed benefits are marginal.
2. Shield-canceling benefits vs spamming is also marginal unless you are at no attack speed.
3. ASI is better with a larger clip.
4. While marginally beneficial, the extra damage is still extra damage.
I'm unable to test Maximum ASI since I don't have the ASI trinket.
ASI and damage bonus are almost the same when spamming,
It seems you DO reload faster with ASI.
For Driver, damage bonus is better when cancelling.
For Polaris, ASI is still better.
Disclaimer: Not statistically accurate, only one test was done. Testing was restarted in the event of game lag or if I failed a shield-cancel.
Thanks for doing this testing. There was someone else who did testing like this but I have been unable to find it for quite sometime to post in asi vs. DMg threads. Asi for gunners does not increase you dps a whole lot more than dmg it seems.
I believe asi is still better because it not only increases you dps but you defense as well. Being able to block/move sooner is great. Also asi does not decrease reload animation what it does decrease is the lower/raise animation before/after the reload so it does take time off 2/3 of the required animation to reload. This make it so asi max pretty much makes shield canceling obsolete. Which was a theory posted in the findings of that lost thread I mentioned.
So assuming that asi increase def and dps it take priority over dmg till max. Having a asi armor + swiftstrike/asi med guns allows you to max asi and use your trinkets slots for two elite trueshot modules making. I believe this to be the optimized gunner loadout from expierience. It gives you asi max + dmg vh. Alternatively the shadowsun dmg armor with med DMg bonus plus two DMg trinks will only give you max dmg. Add a ss buckler and you have max dmg + high asi. Asi even makes +DMg better though as the more you can shoot the more +DMg shots you throw out. Also I would to mention that the only gun you would not want asi on in either setup is the catalyzer as I think the superior uv is Ctr for it's function.
So I think one of the +asi armor sets (I prefer nameless) plus ss buckler/asi med uvs and two elite true shot mods. Is the way to go. Also if you ever get all the asi uvs you need you can ditch the ss buckler for a better shield without asi. With the shadow sun setup you couldn't cause even with very expensive vh asi uvs you still wouldn't have max asi without it. Asi armor is just a better loadout and requires cheaper uvs. Max dmg bonus sounds nice but having it doesn't allow you to deal the maximum damage you you over time. Max dmg would also gimp your survivability at the sacrifice of asi.