5 star Vitasuit and Winmillion

There should be a 5 star version of a Vitasuit deluxe and Winmillion.

Thumbs up for that! I want a 5* winmillion! I WANT ONE DANG IT!!! RRRGGH!
There is a 5* version of the vita-suits! It's called the "ancient armor". Sure, it costs a large number of vanaduke tokens to acquire, but in addition to a ridiculously large sum of extra health you also gain crazy-high normal resistance! Stun too, I think, which is incredibly deadly in lockdown.

Stun isn't that bad in lockdown if you can just use your striker pack to flee, or hide as a recon. It keeps you from fighting, but dosen't make you that much of an easier target.
Spurs and vitasuits are iffey. Before, I openly suppourted this, the more the merrier, but these two weapons are awkward in pvp. Highe health is super useful, and the spurs reach and speed and the fact that it deals one pure damage type will made it very thretaning. They could be implimented, but very, very, very carefuly. For now, I'm working on a 3* spur and vitasuit for T2 pvp, me he he heee, switching between magic, skelly, and jelly helms plus a magnus and snarble blade.

Here is a 5 star Vitasuit I designed at:
I hope you look at this creators of spiral knights.

there should be a silvermail helmet
and btw it would be great if you had the possibility of upgrading ANY item you want to 5* isn't it?
funny thing about vitasuits is that none of them has an alchemy family of their own, lol. i agree that winmillion should have 5-star, cuz the family just looks unfinished( maybe they could put spur in 3-star, that would solve it) silvermail helm too, cuz wyvern has one.... thats it, so.... yeah..... :/

There are indeed a handful of weapons and armor that donot belong in teir 3. Vitasuit has no 5* or helmet becuase it kinda kills creativity. I found out however that there is no 1 or 3 star either. Meaning that it never actuualy passes maximum health, and is therefore useless in every teir. It needs a three star variant at least so it can be used somewhere, even if not teir 3.
A silvermail helm would be nice though, and the actual helmet could look like dragon scale helm, so it isnt too close to valkyrie. It also should have it's own line in general, starting at 3*.
Things like spur/crystal bombs, are in progress to my knowlage, after all; they did upgrade the trokia. I currently think that T3 needs more weapons, and another boss so fire ressist isn't so abundant, and T2 needs more armor, so low peircing ressist with lots of normal isnt so common.

Here is a 5 star Winmillion I designed at
5 star of vitasuit should look like Deluxe version but grey parts must be darker (for more cool contrast) and a white chestguard must be added. Also that Red shiny tubetank on the back becomes light blue shiny tubetank (well its just mine opinion...). And it also should provide Bonus to all hearts/pills u use...Like hearts/pills heal 2 more bars of health. And no more than +7 health bonus or it will disbalance pvp. What about Spur line? I got crazy idea...5* Spur will fire a small tornado projectile with its charged attack, which will do the same effect as 3* graviton charge (but will deal normal dmg). That will make the whole line popular.

CrashFu, if you mean Ancient Plate Mail it has penalities "Movement Speed Decreased: Low" and "Attack Speed Decreased: Low"; therefore that's nothing like the Vtasuit series IMHO.
Your vitasuit suggestion doesnt have anything to do with lockdown does it?