Nice to know these forums are filled with some stuck up people who think they are smarter and better than everyone else. Im done with this topic.
raising CE prices WTH?
Removed due to being flamed by everyone.
When no one can buy CE then nobody buys CE and the people selling CE reduce their prices to get people to buy their CE.
In other words, the price goes down again. There will never exist a time when the price is so high that no people will buy CE.

There will never be a point when no one can afford to buy CE.
Despite whatever you, and the large quantity of people screaming about CE prices, think, the CE market will stabilize before hitting a point at which no one can afford it. If, on the extremely small chance that this is an incorrect hypothesis, it DOES get that high, the devs will likely do something about it. But, I imagine it would have to exceed 10k for that to be the case.

Well I am that "douche" who made the thread, and like many said learn to read. Regardless, of your college level I guess you do not have basic knowledge of supply and demand.
If the price of Ce is too high and no one can afford it this is what we have (A low supply of Ce in the game, and a high demand *Ce will always be in high demand due to the use of it*) Eventually the price will drop a bit lower, but nothing too drastic. If you do feel 5k to 6k for 100 ce is expensive I have to tell you this market will most likely reach 8k to 10k soon, so please dont be mad when that happens. As many said the event you are talking about will most likely not happen in Sk. The only time I saw prices people could not afford was when I attempted to crash the market and made Ce worth 20k per 100 which only lasted a good five minutes lol.
-Removed due to stupidity on my part-
Good attempt at trolling, but you still fail to see the original point that was made.
People WILL NOT pay more than they can afford. So if you are unable to buy 100 CE without using over 100 CE, you're doing it wrong.

Keep the forum rules in mind, folks. Especially this part:
Be respectful and polite. Use of the forums is a privilege, not a right. Bans on the forums are permanent! Some of the things which are not allowed to be posted on the forums are:
- Personal attacks--anything intended to insult or belittle another person.
Removed due to being flamed by stuck up, high and mighty people.
No, you're a troll for saying you have college reading level and saying 'OMG' and 'KTHXBAI' and having spelling like a 12 year old.
Though I keep forgetting America's requirements for higher reading levels is indeed worth 'LOL'ing about.
Opinions /=/ insulting other's opinions.

Might not wanna ignore what the GM had to case you missed it
Think carefully about further replies.
Removed due to flaming from people who have they're heads stuck somewhere they shouldn't be.
BTW Zedoshi, using auto correct doesn't count as knowing how to spell. because I bet at least 95% of people on this forum use it including you. and umad is spelled, you mad? just so you know.
gawd, read through every post in that topic
"I posted this to show how pointless these topics are just let the market run its course"
He said that later
Read some more before you post opinions that aren't backed by fact