Joey's Rare Weapon Emporium - OFFLINE (read latest update)
Want a Faust? Maybe you want Dread Skelly Set? Dont want to go through all the grinding and/or recipe hunting? Here at Joey's Rare Weapon Emporium we value our customers and look to create healthy long lasting relationship.We have an assortment of items that you might need so please take a look :
1k ce
Stone Tortoise Shield
Vile Striker
Firo,Volt,Cryo Driver
1.3k ce
1.7k ce
Sinister Skelly Set
Ash Tail Set
Heavy Demo Set
Sunset Set
Salamander Set
Seraphic Set
4k ce
Fearless Rigadoon
Furious Flamberge
Final Flourish
Dread Venom
Volcanic Plate Shield
4.5k ce
Gran Faust
Divine Avenger
Argent Peacemaker
4.5k ce
Volcanic Demo Set
Mad Bomber Set
Vog Cub Set
Dread Skelly Set
Royal Jelly Set
Deadly Viralisk Set
Fallen Set
Valkyrie Set
Chaos Set
Volcanic Plate Set
Nameless Set
Skolver Set
These are all available for a reasonable price we can both agree on; Dont wanna spend that much? don't worry the prices are flexible they're based on demand among other things so it may not apply to all of the items listed and we'll go even lower if you provide some(or all) of the mats.As stated before at Joey's Emporium we're all about the costumer so of course we take personalized orders for a set price so you don't have to worry about competing with somebody else for it, not to mention we will try to get your item to you as fast as possible, We are known for our speed.
Custom Orders
We are taking custom orders/odd deals if we can complete them, This means if you're interested in any other weapon/equipment that might not be listed here yet(Valkyrie Set for example) or maybe you want to buy a Recipe, even if you're just looking for any old 4 star equipment so you can get to Tier 3, please send us a Tell! We can help at a reasonable price! This orders work a little differently than the items listed above they're handled in a case to case basis making some more difficult than others, we try to please everybody but please keep this in mind while contacting us.
We will now require from our Clients a deposit for 5* Star Equipment that is created to fulfill a specific/personalized order.This deposit will of course be deducted to the total price of your order so it will not increase the cost of any item.The Deposit will be around 10-30% all though it will vary on the size of the order, this policy does not apply to repeated costumers.We will be expecting it in the form of CE but we can also take crowns or in some cases an item as collateral like everything else we're willing to talk it out with you and figure something out if you have any difficulties with this, if you have any questions about deposits don't be shy and ask.
While I know this is annoying for a lot of people we ask that you please understand our position and co-operate with us.
Anyways feel free to post your orders here or send a tell/add Joeyjones you can also send me a Mail regarding what you're interested any other details you might want to add in , alternatively if Joey is not available try contacting anybody from the " Sdgo Trolls" guild and he'll set up you up for a deal and if you can't find a "SDGO Troll" in game please make a post with your IGN and what you want to buy, we keep tabs on the thread and a Troll will message you so you can make the deal.
NOTE : Prices are subject to change, Speed and price negotiation vary from item to item depending on the person in charge of the order.
I've bought 3 items from the SDGO troll clan in the past week.
All three times the prices were fair, the service was quick and they communicated well.
Today I bought a siversix from them. They actually went out and made a new antigua, leveled it and crafted it for me all for 2000 CE.
You simply cant find a better group to trade with.
You're absolutely not selling the silversix for any amount of crowns at all?
you know you can trade crowns for CE right

Bought Faust~
Polite, fast transaction. Will definitely be doing business again in the future.
Like the gentlemen before me said, you can trade in Crowns for CE, weather its CE or crowns is irrelevant as long as its worth the same in both currencies.All though honestly we prefer CE its easier to handle.
Got a silversix, they got antigua and leveled it in a short time space and sold me it for a good price. Nice guys, very easy and friendly to talk to. Ill be getting a avenger off these guys soon!
UPDATE : If you can't contact Joey Jones, please post on the thread if you can't find a "SDGO Troll" in game, we keep tabs on the thread and a Troll will message you so you can make the deal.
I would like to buy a Silver six
can provide all mats except the ghost bell
IGN Glamzor
Joey's Emporium just opened up its first Auction, please check it out!
Looking to purchase Avenger. I have all the mats except redwood and sealed sword (obviously).
I need your IGN, or at least pm me in game.
UPDATE : Just to clear some common questions I've been getting.We dont get "sold out" we do keep some stocks(when we can) but we make on demand, so please don't worry we ALWAYS have what you're looking for the only thing that varies is the wait time.
Yes you can get more than one, you can get all 4 if you so desire.
The price varies for sure and we're willing to negotiate, but please keep in mind the demand of the item pays a major role on its cost and I can't ignore that.
We're not taking people in Jelly King Runs, all though that might be a possible venture in the future, keep checking up on us.
No your order will not take a week or even more than 2 days its usually not even half a day, we try to deliver as fast as possible
Also we are taking custom orders/odd deals if we can complete them, This means if you're interested in any other weapon/equipment that might not be listed here yet(Vile Striker for example) or maybe you want to buy a Recipe, even if you're just looking for any old 4 star equipment so you can get to Tier 3, please send us a Tell! We can help at a reasonable price!
P.S. Please stop logging out 10 mins before I msg you for the delivery
Bought 2 items with this guild- excellent service, fast delivery, smooth transition, very professional attitude. As per the concerns above, I would like to mention that orders in which they do not have the item immediately available took less than 30 min to deliver to me anyway. I recommend.
Bought 2 items with this guild- excellent service, fast delivery, smooth transition, very professional attitude.
What is this, ebay? Lol.
I'd like to buy a silversix and Faust in the next couple of days when I get ce so please keep some in stock! IGN is Artrix and we can discuss prices in game! Thx ^.^
Thanks for the quick delivery of the Blackhawk. This shop is great if you don't want to deal with the stupid jelly king...very convenient.
super quick delivery, totally polite as well. definitely recommending these guys!
Just purchased a Faust from JJ, himself. Was very fast, polite, and a great price... As a note, JJ works off the EST time zone, so I caught him this morning at around 8am.
Got a Divine Avenger off him last nite.polite,and always updating me on how far he was in leveling it.
I've got just about everything to make the Avenger with the exception of the recipe. How much of a discount would I get if I gave you all the mats/cr/ce/sealed sword to make it? And how much of a difference in price would it make if you didn't have the sealed sword?
You cant trade sealed swords, but Im sure we can still work something out.Hit me up in game, or leave your IGN here and I'll contact you when I get the chance.
Added Vile Striker to list.
Yes I am aware the list is updating slowly, its not that we cant provide most items is just that we dont want to list them until we can provide them consistently and efficiently anybody can put up a list of recipes they own but Joey's Emporiums wants to make this transactions as smooth and convenient to the costumer as possible.
Dont forget that we do take Custom Orders so please contact us.
New Rare Trinket for sale:
Dual Heart Pendant
I'm interesting in a divine avenger. I have an avenger that hasnt been equipped yet and all of the mats except for the sun silver, I was wondering how much it would cost for you guys to craft me a divine avenger. I also may be interested in a blackhawk. If i purchase both will i get a discount? my ign is prinnyking.
My friend and I recently started playing and we have T4 swords already, but I am sure the Avenger would be a better choice for us. I am wanting to buy two, is there any way I could get it for 4k CE or a little over that?
Im sure we can work something out, Im gonna need your IGN and/or you can contact me when you're online.
I'll try contacting you online, and we can discuss it.
Doublepost, might as well do something useful with it
Just a quick reminder that some of the orders might be delayed because of the downtime.
QQ I want to play.
IGN is Robonoob
also agreed @ wanting to play lol.
Hey, I was interested in purchasing a Divine Avenger, and plan on shooting someone a message when I can get on tomorrow. I'm fairly certain I have most of the mats (though not 100% sure because I just sold a bunch) but I'm sure we'll get that worked out.
IGN is Sketchytexas
Like I said, I'll probably be on tomorrow around 4 PM PST.
@ Sketchytexas
Added you, We can sit down and talk it out, no problem.
Looking for Venom Vieler and Silver Mist bomb recipes
UPDATE : Added items, changed some prices
Gran Faust
Divine Avenger
bought a custom order for divine avenger and silver six, really fast service. Very nice and polite.
Bought an Avenger, great service, good prices, quick creation time and very polite. I'll definitely be doing business with them again.
looking to purchase a few things contact me in game please

Edit: A guildy offered to level it for me, thanks anyways!
UPDATE : Because of the unexpected amount of request for Divine Avenger and Gran Faust on top of the time consumed from leveling the swords, we would like to inform our costumers to keep in mind that orders will probably take longer periods of time than expected and to factor that in before and while you contact us.We ask for your co-operation and understanding in this matter.
That being said see you all in game!
@Gympy I need your IGN
@Cantus Will see what we can do, we can talk it out at least.
My IGN is gympy actually haha i got in contact with one of your guild members Akiha who I placed my order with he told me he would not be around today 4/15 and he would have a guild mate work on it instead for me but i haven't heard anything back today.
UPDATE : We're getting a lot of orders for 5 star armor recently, I just wanted to let you guys know that we're still working out the numbers on armor so the price range might be higher than the weapons at least for now.
bought blaskhawk, thanks. A very nice guy^^
UPDATE : Price change, Added new items.

Fantastic service, everything was perfect down to the letter!
Bought. Thanks