Trying to sell an item in the Auction House but you don't know if your going to make a profit on it?
We have the Solution.
Introducing Team Puyo's Auction Calculator
It's a simple to use application.
How to Use:
Extract the program and XML files.
Run the program.
Select the Item Type you want to make. Want a Sword? Select it on the far left drop down box.
Then select the Item you want to make. All items are sorted by Star Rating, then Alphabetically.
Once you have selected an item, the recipe is loaded instantly.
Enter in the cost of materials and how many you have into the appropriate boxes.
Notice how you get an instant results on how much materials alone will cost you.
The program already knows how much Energy and Crowns the item you want will cost you.
Enter the current market cost of CE if you do not have enough CE to make the item.
Want to have the program use Mist Energy instead of telling you to buy some CE? Check the box labeled, "Use Own Mist Energy" and enter how much you current Mist Energy is. The program is aware you can not have more then 100 Mist Energy.
Want to use CE? Check the box labeled "Use Own CE" and enter how much CE you have.
After that, your almost done.
Enter your Initial (starting) Bid Price and Buy It Price. Your Buy Price can not be lower then the Bid Price. The program will alert you if this happens.
Tell the program how long your auction will last for. Four hours, twelve hours, one day or two days.
After that, you will be able to determine if you are selling items too low and losing money or not.
The program is setup to check your numbers and do math. There are no buttons because everything on this program is event driven. Your actions determines what the program will do.
SHA1 of the EXE file: 6c1cc215a287eeaccf5c15fd0f789c194b15c39a
If this is not the same, then the program may have been hacked/modified. Do not use it.
Jotti Virus Scan:
Virus Total Scan:
In progress
If you are having problems with the program, please let us know. Make sure you have extracted all the XML files as those are read by the program to get things like recipes and star ratings.
Please submit feedback on this project. Either here on the forums or via In-game mail to Oceanprince or PuyoRider or MsAccord or Raffine
Added Shadow Lair and Heart Trinkets
Future Plans for this program:
Add new craftable items when they are added
Add a "Bug Report" function
About Team Puyo
Team Puyo is a team of four people dedicated to perfection in their work.
Ms. Accord is the Leader. She also supplies goods and materials the team needs.
Raffine is the Project Manager. She determines what the team works on.
Ocean Prince is the team's Programmer. His preferred language is
Rider is the team's Beta Tester. She makes sure the projects are done correctly and have no bugs.
And then use it with SKCT to get CE and USD prices :3