i want know what is on the test sever i heard its super cool plz tell :3
plz tell me what on test sever
Its beta testing for new content and test builds for the game. But its only open for certain periods of time, and usually has focus on one or two aspects of the new builds to see how we handle it.
Also, every turret is Love puppy, and all the dropped coins are gold.
wtf is wrong with them its like they want u to have lots of money how come they can do that for u give u gold and love opupy
"Also, every turret is Love puppy, and all the dropped coins are gold."
Which hurts me deep down... because none of the loot is carried over.
The cool part was when the Jelly king came out of the fountain near the auction house!
Oh man I didn't see that coming!
It's a wondrous land where unitrojans frolic in a meadow of CE generating flowers. Crowns rain from the sky from snipes made of gold. I feel sorry for any poor sap that can't see it.
... you forgot the part where Boswick and Vanaduke did that tasteful salsa while the Strangers formed the band.
I was given a crown to wear while they paraded me around town for having even logged on. There's a ticker-tape parade for anyone who gets onto the test server. Then they throw you into a pack of wolvers after marinating you in vog cub barbeque sauce, it happens to the new guys only. Stop being new and you won't get mauled so often by angry quadrupedal canines with a penchant for biting your soft bitey bits.
And that's whats on the test server.
Rememer in haven when we all got spontaneously lit on fire?
Good times....
In test server you get 10000 mist and it insta charges every 10 seconds so you can pretty much do infinite levels and they give you every piece of eqiupment we have now and will ever have and used to ever have.
There's also Spiral knightception. (It's comfusing)
Hot horny babes. OOO really likes to give you a pleasureable experience for your money. (Hey OOO, send me some ce ;)
That fire was actually my fault.... sorry. =/ I got a little carried away when I stole Vanaduke's mace... More beta testing perks, you can light everyone on fire with stolen weapons from within the Clockworks.
Nothing cool about severing for a test. No one likes severed cable connection or all that sort.