Critical hits

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Marazo's picture

Ok so most damaged based fighting games have critical hits, so how about in SK a rare, no wait, VERY RARE chance of getting a critical hit, rare enough so it doesnt make fighting enemies too easy. This could also lead to new UVs, critical hit chance, or critical hit damage. I just think it would be cool be almost dead, last person alive, in a arena, on the last room, last wave, and use whatever ur sword is's charge, get a critcal hit, and completly pwn all the mechas in front of you. ur teamates will love you and give you imaginary slaps on the back.
Of course there issues with making the game to easy and stuff but we can work a way around that.

@Lienhart: i was thinking of the word CRITICAL in big letters over the amount of damage u did to make it obivous, and even if u dont have the damage nubers, u will still see CRITICAL when u attk. I directed this at u cuz u gave me the idea.

Madadder's picture
i can see this happening but

i can see this happening but i think the weapon charge crit would get a bit OP

Marazo's picture
Arnt charges used less often?

Arnt charges used less often? It would have the same rate as normal attks.

Marazo's picture
Arnt charges used less often?

Arnt charges used less often? It would have the same rate as normal attks.

Doulble post :P

Leinhart's picture
Why would it have to be rare?

Why would it have to be rare? Give players a crit chance stat and create an entirely new 5* wolf armor set that increases crit chance.

Having the option to forsake attack speed and power for a high crit chance would have to be a choice made by the player. Personally I like the idea of seeing a giant number when attacking, indicating a crit.

Negimasonic's picture
I like critical hits :D How

I like critical hits :D How about making it as often as natural UVs from 10% or so? It won't make a monumental difference, but enough to feel helpful. Maybe even make it related to star level.
2% at 1 star.
4% at 2 star.
6% at 3 star.
8% at 4 star.
10% at 5 star.

Starlinvf's picture
Considering the number of

Considering the number of attacks executed, 10% is a very frequent rate. You would need to scale that down based on how much of a bonus a crit does.

Considering the damage scale, 15% - 20% damage bonus for a crit should be plenty.

Leinhart's picture
But if you've got an

But if you've got an appropriate armor set (shield, UV, and maybe trinket included), the percentage at Maximum would have to be at least 40% - 50%.

Round-Shinigami's picture
2-10% "critical" hit damage

2-10% "critical" hit damage would mean you won't even notice the difference. Take a look at other games:
Team Fortress 2 crit: 2.5x damage (closer to 3x) - Crocket (crit.rocket) does 270 damage, kills anything but a healthy Heavy guy. Many other games have 1.5-3x crit damages. Limiting it at under 30% and a rare chance will make it almost non-existent, since you won't ever notice the difference (it should make a HUGE difference, like 1-hit-kill).

So my suggestion: 5-10% chance, 50-200% damage bonus.
At the same time I'll be fine with current setup.

Master-Of's picture
Actually, in your imaginary

Actually, in your imaginary scenario, your teammates would react differently: One would state that it was all luck and you must be noob (because pros like him never get a crit and life is so unfair), one would complain about how you didn't revive him (despite he took all the pills and forgot to use them) and one would be AFK, but you don't care, because you ignored him due to repeated crown and energy begging.

... but I like the idea. It would be a nice surprise for the player himself, if his charge fires off like a super sayan.

Starlinvf's picture
The high crit damage in TF2

The high crit damage in TF2 is a necessity since most damage occurs in spikes, and crits themselves have a very low rarity. In games using auto combat systems, targets tend to take a lot longer to kill. So you use a less then 2x damage ratio and a moderate activation rate (usually between 10-15% peak) to even it out as a DPS boost.

SK falls in between the two setups, but the strike rate is higher. Having a high enough damage boost to one-shot anything short of mini-boss can actually break combat unless it has such a low rarity, its not even worth noting. On the opposite end, too high of a frequency basically breaks the DPS projections and weapon balance as a whole.

So what would you consider a better approach? High spike damage, or a DPS surge?