The rationale is that it is capitalism that drives OOO. So why not just do it in a more simple, direct way? OOO puts up a bunch of access code that gives shadow keys that do not expire in 30 calendar days on eBay auction and let people bid on them. Winners get the code and can take 3 other people of his choice to enjoy Shadow Lair content for one month.
I will start my bid at $100.
kinda defeats the issue of the content been difficult to be get for F2P players and costing too much for keys :P
Here's a thought I just had:
- Shadow keys last 2 weeks or longer
- They can rarely be found in lockboxes (still should lower the price of silver keys though IMO)
- They can also be bought for an assortment of regular boss tokens (i.e 25 Frumious Fangs, 20 Jelly Gems, 20 Bark Modules, 10 Almarian Seals)
The final point would allow F2P players to eventually be able to access a shadow lair without paying, if you get an average of 3 tokens per boss battle that means defeating Snarbolax 9 times, twins 7 times, jk 7 times, and vara four times, without spending them on anything else.
By the time you earn these tokens you probably can legitimately call yourself a seasoned 'endgame' player who would be able to handle what you encounter in the shadow lair, F2P or not, and on the way chances are OOO will make money simply be having players play for CE like usual while working to earn these tokens, a task that requires time and effort, not blind luck and a pile of unsellable maid headbands.
Also by having the key last for an extended period of time rather then for just 1 run OOO will also make more money by extending the 'lifetime' of the game as people will be doing more shadow runs and will probably stay with the game longer rather then just making it a sort of 'final task' for players. Just by making it worthwhile for players to keep playing for a longer time period will in the long run be more profitable then making players pay a sort of "final payment" to reach the endgame.
OOO currently has the wrong mindset I think, trying to make money through people making occasional large purchases, rather then a steady trickle of small change, <sappy metaphor> a steady river attracts people and encourages life, a massive flood wipes out everything and soon dries up leaving nothing behind, go for the river not the flood OOO </sappy metaphor>.
Thoughts, support, no support?
P.S. People, don't give in to the "NOW" urge and buy a ton of silver keys now, just be patient and wait, when the cash dries up OOO will change their system and you will feel better when you do get your shadow key, gambling for a key now will only encourage them to stay with the current system and will not help your fellow players, if you see someone opening a bunch of boxes /epicfail them, please spread this message.