I've read a lot of threads about pets and how people would like to fight along side a chromalisk (I would like that) or some other clockworks monster. However, most of those threads make it overpowered for a knight to actually have a pet. So, I would consider those threads to have no point to them. However, this thread, if you read it, will be pleasing for both those who would like pets and those who want variety other than swords, handguns and bombs.
The Constructor Series:
The basic idea is this: People summoning monsters as opposed to just having them follow them around. That's it. Here are some things that it should have:
1) It's basically like bombing, in which you have to charge up a summoning thingy, and then let the monster out. Before you formulate any judgements, please finish reading this. Also, this summoning thing CANNOT be abused because each summoning thingy (Sorry, I really do not know what to call these things) can only summon ONE monster. So, if you attempt to summon another monster with the same summoning thingy, it will destroy the currently summoned monster and create a new one.
2) Each specific monster will take up a specific amount of space, so having hulking and brutish monsters out to fight for you will be extensively limited. A maximum of FOUR spaces can be taken up.(You could suggest a different amount of spaces below) This applies PER PARTY, not per person, so it cannot be abused.
3) Monsters can be commanded to do either ATTACK or DEFEND. ATTACK will, obviously, attack a specified monster. I suggest a hot key for this in which you can do this. DEFEND will make the monster/s rally toward the specified allied unit (either a knight or another monster) and "protect" them from harm. This is specifically tailored so that monsters summoned will open aggro on those nearby their defended allied unit, and fall back when the enemy is far away.
4) Specific tailored suits that will enhance these monsters, such as damage bonuses, health increase and charge time reduction
That's basically my idea. I personally believe that this idea cannot be overpowered, but rather strategic. It will create a newer type of knight that will be more of a support rather than attack. Feel free to comment below on my idea.
This beats out all the other pet ideas, but I'm still going to have to say that summoning things that attack with no particular strategy is a bad idea. If I wanted that, I'd just invite T1 players to my games.