Got on at 7:00, it's now 8:00. I've been waiting for lockdown the intire time. I only get an hour of video games a day (not unfair). Seriously, 28 waiting, and 107 playing. WTF.
And yes, it's T1 lockdown.
Will admins respond if I post this ten times in bug reports?
It took 2 hours to finnialy find a match, and I had enough time to play 3. When I said "If I put this in bug reports...", I was not incinuating that this was a bug, or that I wanted it in bug reports. If a andmin moved it, that's fine, but I have no idea how it got there; and thus have moved it to general discussion once more.
[EDIT 2]
I just got an in game message saying to not move this thread, from an admin. Now that I know that it was actuualy moved by an admin, I'm ok with it being in bug reports, and won't move it anymore. I only moved it becuase I thought there could have been a mistake, If I had a message indicating that it was intentionaly placed in bug reports, I would have respected that and left it there. I got a message now, ingame, so the fourm stays here.
Lockdown delays for an hour.
The problem may be that it's 28 waiting, 107 playing on T3 Lockdown and not T1. I think that just pools everyone together.
It's not the most effective system but T1 lockdown probably doesn't get much attention
I do, still no go T_T.
I can join games in T3, but that's not as fun. I just freeze people, use the death mark, then kill them with a faust. It's like killing the shuffle bots, only they fly at you with millions of barborous blades.
And it dosent pool people togeather, I checked.
It's been another 20 minnutes, I've regenerated 7 mist.
Its true I'm his brother. I watched the whole time lol.
Wow, it just kicked me off for being AFK. I feel like the kenny of OOO.
Just got kicked off again for being "afk". Could OOO at least post how long I was waiting? Like, to confirm it? My mom claims I've played an hour and a half, and I'd like to go play quake, where it takes about 20 seconds to find a match.
The "28 waiting, and 107 playing" is for ALL lockdown players, not just the ones in your tier. There are usually hardly any Tier 1 lockdown players.
Tier 1 takes longer than tier 2. T2 im instantly there in 2-3 mins, T1 is 5+.
I can often find a T1 lockdown match. The problem is the "play agian" button. People fill up their matches, hit "play again", out of fear that they won't find another, as opposed to letting in other waiting players.
Also, why would OOO mix the teirs waiting numbers? I'm not saying they did or didn't, but if they did, that's just the dumbest thing I've ever-...Ugh, seriously, they could at least TELL me if I'm the only one trying to do T1. As opposed to letting me spam their unwatched fourms.
Yeah, T1 is full of tumbleweeds most of the time. If you're waiting more than 10 minutes, then there's not enough players playing/waiting at all to form a match.
T2 is much more reliable, and still fun, though even there I've sometimes had to wait to find a match.
Too many wolvers in T1 O_O
It fells like PVE.
And, for the record, at 8:59 I found a pvp match, and played with those people 3 times, before getting off to shower.
I was in 3 games while he was waiting (t1) so something was off.
Yep, I saw you. I had waited 2hrs before I got in.
Also, when did this get moved to bug reports? It's not a "bug", it's just a poorly conceived system. Walking through walls is a bug, not getting a turn is just lame.
You think you would have more common sense to leave the game after waiting for 15 minutes rather than wait for a hour and go OOO you suck!
I kept waiting to make a point.
Also, I just got an in game message saying to not move this thread. I just moved it back to general discussion a while ago becuase I thought it was a fluke of some sort, and I wasn't sure if a admin had really moved it or not. Now I know, so it's all good. Next time you move my thread, could ya leave a "this thread got moved by a admin" sign or something? Honestly, I just thought it could have been a mistake,or that I put it in the wrong spot to begin with, etc.
Perhaps try T2 next time?
It may also be easier to organize something.
Try zone 2 chatting (or very infrequent and non-spammy zone 1 chatting), or asking guildmates to join for a T1 game.