Perhaps a health bar for enemies could be better instead of going like "Omg how many hits will it take before this thing dies?"
Here is how it works:
When a player hits an enemy, there will be a picture of the enemy last hit and it's name and health bar below the mini map.
If it's a boss, the bar will be on the top part of the screen.
Players can choose if the bar is going to be a line that depletes from every hit or pips of health similar to players.
the health bar will change into another enemy if another enemy was hit. IE: *Heath bar of a retrode* *Hits gremlin* *Health bar of a Gremlin*
Enemy Health bars
Wed, 10/26/2011 - 00:07
Wed, 10/26/2011 - 03:38
What would be the point?
It'll just make the game too boring. I like "SHOOT IT SHOOT IT" instead of "Oh wait, it has # health points left so we can focus on that monster instead".
What about only boss health bars? Wouldn't constant changing of the health bar sort of make the graphics of the player screen a bit more choppy, and what if you're attacking several enemies?