Episode 0 / Prologue
[Year 2Q0, Planet Spiral Alpha, Town Los Angeles]
"Hiyah! Take that! Eat ice!"
Alex always dreamt of joining the Spiral Forces. In fact, for his 5th birthday he got a toy sword and a toy Cold Snap. After he got these, he went to the target dummy park for double weekly practice. The above quote is some simple battle taunts he lashed out into the dummies along with 2 slashes and throwing his toy bomb.
[Year 2Q5, Los Angeles Elementary A]
"Okay Sodol, wanna have a practice battle?" Alex said with pride.
"Meh, whatever..."
Sodol was always passive, but it didn't stop Alex from trying. By that time, Alex's toy weapon collection got a toy Flourish and a toy Troika as well. Sodol had a quite similiar collection.
Alex readied his sword and bomb for this battle, and Sodol readied the same weapons. The rules were that for each battle you may take only 2 toy weapons, and no pain shall be induced.
Alex started with a quick combo, lashing out into Sodol. Sodol tried to block, but he was brought down. Right before Alex's final blow connected, he stopped his sword in air, and said "Touche?" (sorryidon'thave'E'swiththatlinethingyontop)
"Touche..." Sodol said in loss.
However, Sodol wisened up from that, and took his toy Troika. Alex noticed that, and took his toy Flourish.
Alex started with the sweep, but Sodol caught the Flourish, and released an overhead swing he charged from before, stopping it before it connects.
"1-1." Sodol said with pride.
"Indeed.", said Alex.
"Okay, so let's head back to class. You did great!", said Alex.
"You did nice too.", said Sodol.
[Year 2Q8, Los Angeles High F]
"Well, here it is, LA High F." Alex said with hope. "Although the F might sound judgemental, I heard this school is in the top 5 best."
"Meh, gonna be a bore, I'm sure." Sodol said, obviously.
As both entered their class' first meeting, everyone were huddled together in random groups. But suddenly...
"Hi! I'm Lily! I don't know what about you, but I think we'll be a GREAT group! What do you say?", All of that said in a single breath, said by a slightly short but jolly-looking girl.
"Uh, sure...?" Alex said with confusion, but he remained positive.
"Meh, she's no different." Sodol said with despair. By now you'd guess "Meh" is his catchphrase.
[Year 2QE]
Yes, that's Alex's reaction to the invitation to join the Spiral Forces.
Alex went to board the spaceship to Spiral HQ, which lie at Spiral Charlie, but then...
"Oh! Alex! What're you doing here?", said Lily from the distance, Sodol near her, and both started coming towards Alex.
"I was gonna ask you the same question!", said Alex.
"Well, appearantly Sodol got an invitation to join the Spiral Forces too!" Lily said with excitement.
"Our practice battles would better be worth it." Sodol said to Alex with a stare of trust.
"Well, what're we waiting for? Spaceship's off in 10 minutes!" Alex said in a hurry.
Liking it so far! How old are they currently?