@ Debianlinux & Misogyny : Oh, I get it. You two are just alts of each other, trying to troll my thread back to death. Well, I won't fall for it. The trolls on this forum are everywhere, and they are relentless... so just, go away. You're all fools. The mob rules.
Hello, I'm Helstar! I am selling things. Please be careful and safe.

...did you perchance mean "paranoid delusional"?
@ Debianlinux : It's not my fault that Misogyny ruined our chances at trading together by being a jerk in this topic. Go troll elsewhere noob, LOL.
I can't believe how much you two want to destroy my topic further. It's ridiculous. How am I supposed to get any real trades done with you whiners in the way?

@ Helstar: Lol, you and Misogyny. If you havent realized it for the last 2 pages, you should check yours. Dont talk to me like that. I just got my eyes checked last weekend. Got brand new contacts. Im rather sure my eyes are fine. ^^

... yes, it is your fault. It was your choice to void the agreement and it was your arbitrary rule enacted after the fact.
No one made those choices for you or forced you to make them.
@ Kngster : Excuse me? I can talk to you however I want. You came into MY thread trying to talk about some argument. I don't think you understand, but these two have seriously ruined some of my trades, and I will never forgive them for it. They are terrible trolls, and must be eliminated. However, there is nothing I can do, except hope that they get bored and run away. I also don't think you understand the definition of "argument", but regardless, what you need to do is get out of this topic unless you have another offer to make. You are only hurting the topic further. And after the past three pages, do I really need more of the same?
@ Debianlinux : Nope, it's entirely Misogyny's fault. I don't trade when trolls are nearby~

Well, you tell me there is no arguing, when there is tons, then tell me to get my EYES checked, a very disrespectful thing to do. After i already DID, which i told you, last weekend. Then you tell me you can talk however you want. As can i. Im just saying that you acting juvenile as you are is really not setting a good profile for you atm. Let this thread be trolled to hell. As i dont care, you're trolling and i can vouch for Misogyny, Ive had several good trades with him/her (of what i recall) and never had anything bad come from the trades. TYVM
@ Kngster : LOL, I think you're entirely missing the point. Regardless of Misogyny's behavior elsewhere, he has always been trolling me since I met him ingame. He only came to the topic to do that too. And instead of simply being content with "I don't want to trade with you", he has to push the issue and go on a trolling rampage across my topic. I'm not acting "juvenile", I'm trying to defend myself from all sides against the trolls who don't want to leave the topic alone.
"did you perchance mean "paranoid delusional"?"
in this case, both apply. my statement was for the general purpose unchecked egos.
"[Misogyny] only came to the topic to do that too."
as stated earlier, I came in here to make an offer on a vanity item. I was met with rudeness and returned in kind.
"i can vouch for Misogyny, Ive had several good trades with him/her (of what i recall) and never had anything bad come from the trades"
merci. I do try to keep business as free from shenanigans as possible.

Why are you attacking me then? I'm just commented on the funny argument. If you didn't care about the "trolls", Don't Respond. Simple. and sell your stuff. it shouldn't matter that Mis + Debian are "trolling" that you cant sell your stuff. You're making a small thing into a big thing. And I don't know what happened between you and Mis in game, but they don't seem to be trolling too bad/at all. You're just blowing things way outta proportion.
@ Kngster : Uhm, no, I'm not blowing anything out of proportion. Their trolling session has directly resulted in loss of trades for me, so I must retaliate. I try "not responding", and then they just have conversations between each other. It's nice to comment when you don't know what's actually going on, eh?

You can report the thread to support, but if the gm decides this is tempban worthy you may get the tempban too since you did your share on the "flame war". You could move the thread to graveyard (edit options) and create a new one, stop giving in to the bait, and report that new thread if this continues though.
just for clarification, the only in game interaction with helstar that I can recall was when he saw me online last night and proceeded to whisper me incessantly in a poor attempt to troll (and denied his troll attempt).
if anything happened before that, I have no idea what it is and it was probably a non-issue. or someone staying incredibly butt hurt over something that happened weeks ago.

How am i trolling? I just commented on your argument. You immediately returned with a disrespectful post. Not cool. Dont retaliate @ me, retaliate at your so called "trolls". Your thread isnt getting anywhere.
@ Giannii : Of course it'd continue, so what's the point? And uhm, I don't care about tempbans, I already quitted this game LOL. But yeah, Luweejee/Rhipdclxvi trolled my first topic by saying I didn't actually have any Tetra-Heart Pendants (despite having sold one since his dumb post), and now Misogyny and Debianlinux are trolling this one. It's obviously a TROLL CONSPIRACY, headed by none other than... wait... I should have known! I know who is behind all of this! I will go meet with him today.
@ Misogyny : Uhm, lol. Dude, just stop trying. I'm not falling for it.
@ Kngster : ??? this is yet another example of you not understanding what you're talking about. I NEVER said you were trolling, jeez. No one's against you in this thread, just go away and let me deal with my own problems like I have been doing quite well so far. I need no backup.
Found Helstar in game randomly today... turns out he enjoys the company of men... in a sexual way. Also he likes to tell people off, be rude, and threatent to beat them up. Coincidentally I informed him, it's a game and he can't actually hurt people. His feelings were hurt, his world was shattered and I believe I hear stories of him going to his boyfriend to cry about it. Good times, good times. P.S. He's a troll.
"Found Helstar in game randomly today... turns out he enjoys the company of men... in a sexual way. Also he likes to tell people off, be rude, and threatent to beat them up. Coincidentally I informed him, it's a game and he can't actually hurt people. His feelings were hurt, his world was shattered and I believe I hear stories of him going to his boyfriend to cry about it. Good times, good times. P.S. He's a troll." ~ Zajarism
This is truly the post of a troll. Congratulations. Are you going to offer on my items or not?
You've really done it this time, Zajarism. I went and reported you to Ryan - I don't expect to see you around for much longer.
Because your stuff is a lot like you. Worthless to me. I wouldn't want anything you owned. Would rather pay double from someone else. D-bags don't deserve anything but disrespect. Which is all you'll get from me. P.S. -Cue his attempt at witty remarks and crying fits.-
My offer is NOTHING. Wanna give it to me? lmao Didn't think so.
@ Zajarism : Don't tell me that's all the trolling you've got, 'cause if it is, you better quit. I'm not here to play games, Zajarism, or to create nice Spiral Knights memories. I'm here to win. Why should I sit around all day like this even matters? I could end this in five minutes if I wanted to. Five minutes. That's how long you have until this pathetic excuse for a planet is destroyed. I may not be able to defeat you, but I can take you with me. That's right! I call your bluff! Take your best shot! Maybe I am, hard to tell... but then again, I am curious. I didn't want to kill you, not before breaking every bone in your body. What a disappointment.
Oh wow this IS in the graveyard.... WOOOOOO
Hey, stranger, I've already placed this in the Graveyard manually. But here's the thing, kiddo. According to the forum rules stated here : http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/1957 , it is not allowed to recreate topics that have been Graveyard'd. "DO NOT : Re-create threads that have been Graveyarded, locked, or unpublished."
By giving into the trolls and placing my topic out of the Bazaar, I have both made it impossible for me to trade here (how can I trade in a Graveyard topic? that's not appropriate.) and impossible to ever trade on this forum again. I have lost. They have won their little trolling attempt.
If you have your bunch of items but remove / add an item, it's a different sale, particularly if you are selling as a bulk-buy.
I've seen plenty of threads where 1 out of 3 items are sold then a new post goes up with the 2 remaining items being offered only. It's just another way of bumping and keeping the forum fresh.
If you posted a new sale then I don't see a problem with that. Hopefully the mods wouldn't either, it's common sense, and if anyone trolls it then the mods can deal with them, not you. Just check out Hitten's multiple threads about the same magic cloak but for different things in exchange for reference!
Or just ask a mod the same Q =]

I found out its useless talking to the original poster. He dislikes mean people, but yet is mean himself? Then he unjustifiably calls me a "noob" and runs away after I challenge him to a Vana run? Geez, what a douche lol
Uhm, I didn't see any part about a vanaduke run because I put you on ignore. You called me a scammer and said I didn't have two Tetra-Heart Pendants when I did, just because I wasn't willing to go with your weak offer and didn't want to rush into it. That's poor behavior on your part, friend. Good luck in life!
FYI, stop posting here, LOL. This is a graveyard topic. You must really like bothering the dead.

Cool! So now that you see my challenge right here and now, will you take it or run away like a little wuss? Meet me in the arcade Haven 1 and let's do Vana. First one to die is a noob. Dont chicken out :)
Chickening out? No, I assure you, I AM a robot. :)
I don't think you understand. So let me teach you a thing or two. Originally, you offered 29.5k CE for my two Tetra-Heart Pendants. I told you I had to wait because a few other people wished to buy them as well but I wasn't yet sure about their offers. I'd have to contact everyone at once, and that takes time!
But you told me to hurry up. You kept rushing me to find some solution immediately. That wasn't fair to me or to anyone else involved in that negotiation. You then called me a scammer, said you reported me for fraud ingame, and went into my topic (under a different username, Luweejee) to say I didn't have the items. Well, the joke's on you. I sold one Tetra-Heart Pendant at 35k CE, and the other at 32k CE, and many people can vouch that they inspected me back when I had two Tetra-Heart Pendants.
So now you come here, ahh, to do some more trolling, I see. You can't even accept the fact that this topic is in the Graveyard. You just HAVE to do some necromancing, right? You couldn't accept failure in one topic, you need a beatdown in this one too? What a punk, haha.
Listen up, friend, because I'm only going to say this once. I will never run with you, nor against you. You are nothing to me! Begone, insect! Impudent vermin! I am immortal! I am ETERNAL! I am Helstar, the greatest forum trader who has ever lived! You should know this now. 'Cause if you don't, you better quit.

make up your mind rofl
Awwwwww! That's so cute! You think the ignore function extends to the forum... Aww... :hug: <3 It's OK, I'll teach you how the ignore function works. It disables the ability to see text, emotes, tells, or Mails from a person,... ingame. It does not extend to the forum's functions and mechanics. OK? Glad you learned something today!~ <3
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beware the ego. it runs rampant if unchecked.