"All the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue."
"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything."
-William Shakespeare
I have the following items and 11kce ,btw, you say these are SOME of the games... do you have a full list : P
Snarbolax Coat MAX Ele + Low Fire
Blue,Gold and Green Sets
2 Knightmare Manes
Let me know if you are interested.
"If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you."
-T. S. Eliot
Oh I said "some" because I have funds in my Steam Wallet to buy more games that you dont see here. So if you would like to trade for any particular game besides these add me on steam, hit me up and we'll talk :)
About time! For a great deal need only Battlefield 3. =) Entire list is impressive.
Rhip Is a personal friend and trustworthy
Plus the choice of games is unreal if i had anything she wanted i would contact her ASAP
"Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success."
-Henry Ford
Hey Rhip!!! Thanks a lot for giving me such a sweet deal on Fallout New Vegas and Bastion! I hope you enjoy the items and mats I gave ya, see you in game sometime =)
Owlite shield Maximum shadow 12k CE or in mail offer
"An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox. "
-Lao Tzu
Your Minecraft Gift Code is purchased and ready for you to redeem :) Please post here and mail me in-game to receive the code. Thank you :)
Thanks, appreciate it.
This guy is a good and honest seller it seems :) I wouldn't worry about him not upholding his half of the deal if you're looking to get anything for future buyers.
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."
I am interested in trading for Bio Shock 2 and Borderlands GOTY edition if you still have them.
Will 16,500 CE + a Blue Chap + ten 5 star mats be a fair trade?
That sounds cool! But since im in a good mood, i'll go easy on you! So how's this: 17k ce and you can keep your mats and blue chapeau :) Deal?
You're an awesome trader! Why didn't I find your game store sooner!? Nice collection of games at reasonable prices. Keep in touch, and I will be sure to spread the good word about you :D
Thanx again Rhip!
same type of question as hellohippo. what kind of value are you looking for the $60 games?
Added you on steam (Dirk Pitt). Interested in some of them. Can we discuss on chat?
I hope we all agree that $60 is NOT cheap. And as such, the items i'm willing to trade the game for won't be either. Oh and for the record $60.00 equals about 23,500 CE.
"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."
"A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous."
-Ingrid Bergmen
As stated up to 25k ce worth of items for each of up to two copies of MW3, the russian version being cheaper for you and okay for me: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/30624
Just thought I might share some ear candy for ya
I am offering 8000 CE for Bioshock and 6000 CE for Bastion. I dont know if you have it to sell, but I also wanna buy Dungeon Defenders and will pay you 6000 CE for it. Message me in game or reply here. Thank you.
Dollar-to-CE ratio is 550 CE per $1. But just for you, I'll consider it sold :)
I really appreciate your honesty and thanks a lot for getting me bastion, dungeon defenders and bioshock!!! Now I can play other games besides just SK hahaha! If you got anymore deals for games under $20.00, please let me know, thanks. Oh and I went ahead and sent you a little tip in game too just to show my appreciation, so check your mail :D
@Carnie I replied to you in game
@ Shakesperean lol no problemo :)
Also from here on out, I will be taking requests to purchase Steam games not on the list. Just tell me what you want and what you are offering, thx
Hi Rhip, I'm going to make you some offers with items, ce and crowns for steam games. Send you mail :)
I added you on Steam :) I'd like to talk to you about purchasing some games soon.
What exchange rate are you using for $:CE ?
I can think of a few cheap steam games i'd like.
Two hundred thumbs up for Rhipdclxvi.
Not the first time I traded ce for steam games ( traded 50k ce before ). Her rate of 1 dollar for 550 ce is incredible as well, I did 100k ce worth of trade with her, definitely trustworthy :)
Skyrim, MW3, Dungeon Defenders and more!
Updated the Dollar-to-CE ratio. It is now 550 CE per $1. Thanks.
sent you ingame mail through my alt chikenlegs please contact me through there
“The only real failure in life is the failure to try.”
Gonna share some more good trance songs for you wonderful people :)
So, uhh, how much for the divine halo S: ?
Do you have/can get Dungeon Defenders? I'd like to trade SK stuff for it.
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
-Robert Kennedy
Hey Rhip, its me Rasorlol. Hit me up ingame or on steam (i added you) and we can talk about these trades. I'm interested in some of the games.