The test server will be open tomorrow, Friday, November 11, from 12pm to 9pm pst.
There are two new features we would appreciate you checking out:
Arsenal Stations
Arsenal Stations are now located near the start elevators of most levels in the Clockworks. Arsenal Stations allow you to change your gear or loadouts before facing the challenges of a level. To use an Arsenal Station, simply stand on the mat in front of one and open your Arsenal.
[UPDATED] Arsenal Station airlocks have been replaced with One-way Forcefields, allowing players to progress into a level without having to wait for their party. We would like testers to see how these new Forcefields work and discover if there are any scenarios where they break.
Energy Rezzing Effects
Energy rezzing now comes with an explosive energy blast that pushes monsters away from you, damages them and even stuns them! There are four levels of blasts that are automatically performed as the cost of rezzing rises.
[UPDATED] Rez effects have been given new sounds and UI, and should no longer affect teammates. They should also no longer push immobile monsters like turrets.
How to Test
Simply head toward the Arcade and pick any gate to explore. Most levels will have Arsenal Stations (boss stratums will only have one Arsenal Station on the first floor) and all levels will allow you to experiment with the new energy rezzing.
So swap your gear a bunch and uh... die a lot.
Thanks for testing!
This sounds like it might help on those "I could totally revive, but there's a squadron of mobs using me as a picnic cloth" situations. Nifty. :o