You'll need to put up the CE for unbinds as I don't have it, and I'm not going to buy it. The prices are with the unbind cost included.
I will also take TF2 equivalents, in brackets.
I actually prefer the TF2 prices since I'm quitting SK and all, I'm only going to turn the CE around anyway, so if you could save me the time/trouble, that would be beyond lovely. If you choose to trade with keys/refined, you still need to put up the CE to unbind (I've taken that into consideration for the TF2 prices though so, no worries).
SOLD - Divine Avenger CTR Very High - 20kce [10 refined]
SOLD - Volcanic Plate Shield Normal Def. High - 12k ce [5 refined]
SOLD - Faust ASI Medium - 6500 ce [3 refined]
Gigawatt Pulsar Undead Medium - 6500 ce [3 refined]
I wont be sitting in-game, so add me on Steam if you're able, as it will be much faster and easier.
If you're not a Steam user, post here if you're seriously wanting to buy something, add me in-game, and I'll back to you asap.
IGN- Skaiwalka
*I was never very good at math, so if mine is wrong, please don't hesitate to say something. I think it's all good though.*
Aw, sad to see you go.
Have fun in TF2, and just everywhere else in general!