By the looks of it many of our artistically inclined posters are much too busy with the creative process to have time to post their work on the wiki :P. As such I'm going to try to take up the task myself to get the Fan Art section in the wiki going.
I apologize for the rather bland titling for art at the moment, guess I really should have asked for names for art pieces :s.
The way I put up some of my stuff will kind of be a guideline to how I will put up more stuff in the future. Ideally images would be uploaded to the wiki-site itself, but that would require me actually downloading other peoples work and uploading it under my account which I'd rather not do.
If your an artist who wants their work here I need:
- Written permission from you, posted here, to post your work on the wiki, need both permission to post your existing work AND if you are okay with me posting your future work without me having to ask again
- Titles for untitled art pieces or permission for me to assign a title (unless you really want all your art pieces to be called 1, 2 ,3... etc)
- A link to the thread where your art is located, and/or links to each art piece themselves would help
- To be informed about any particular images you don't want to be posted
- what name you want your art posted under, by default I will use your forum name
- you can provide your IGN(In-game name) if you want
Why I have to go jump over all these bureaucratic hurdles:
I hope in the future other artists will update this themselves and it will cease to be a one-man operation, I'm just doing this to get it kick-started.
Please note that this is for artists specifically, not for fan fiction writings.
This thread needs more love.
I'm on steam so I can't use the wiki so yeah...
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