[WTS] Wolver Coats with UVs (med elemental and shadow, high freeze and many others)

4 replies [Last post]
Tersakoff's picture

Stock for Wolver coats, with the UV they have:

High freeze ~1k CE
High curse ~1-2k CE
Med shadow ~1-3k CE
Low poison ~100 CE
Low piercing ~200 CE
Low stun ~100 CE

Wolver cap: Low piercing - 100 CE

Magic coat: Med poison ~200 CE
Low shadow ~200 CE

The prices are only ORIENTATIVE. Not set in stone, I can negotiate.

IGN: Tersakoff, mail me

Tersakoff's picture
I'd really like to sell

I'd really like to sell these. I'll lower the prices if you contact me.

Tersakoff's picture
Oh god someone just buy them,

Oh god someone just buy them, as I said, I'll lower the prices just buy them

Irokwe's picture
ill take the high curse and

ill take the high curse and med shadow for 1kce

Fehzor's picture
High curse for 400 ce.

High curse for 400 ce.