magic cloaks shop (high/med UVs)
MAX pierce + low normal *SOLD for 4kce + 50kcr*
MAX fire *SOLD for 4kce*
high fire + low shock - awesome pair with helm that doesn't have rezistances also good for fsc! (C/O: 500ce (in-game), B/O: 2kce)
med shock + low fire + low ele *SOLD for 300ce*
med pierce *SOLD for 100ce*
med fire (x2) (B/O: 150ce each)
med shock (B/O: 150ce)
med stun (B/O: 100ce)
med freeze + low shadow + low curse (offer)
spiral demo suit high freeze + low curse *SOLD for 200ce*
jelly helm med fire *SOLD at AH*
Mail me with offer if you don't like prices.
IGN: Hitten

Agreed, about the only thing properly or even decently priced is the med stun cloak. and even that is a bit much to ask for.

med shock + low fire + low ele (B/O: 500ce)
300 CE.
Lowered them.
Are they good now for you?

Why not make magic hoods instead, they turn into divine veil which is part of the widely popular divine veil+skolver coat? Besides I would buy one!
Ah you guys like only look ^^
idk they are same...
Now just mail me with offer if you don't like b/o.
Added to C/O.
Don't know about selling it for that low though. Will send it to you after day or two if you win.

your prices are too high(look in ah for reference, piercing medium below 100CE there),but i try my best...
high fire + low shock:400CE
MAX fire: 2000CE
med shock:60CE
@Feruss Your offers are too low but I added them to C/O
Yoshiien offered 4kce for MAX piercing + low normal in-game.
Made deal for 4kce + 50kcr (B/O was 6kce).

the demo suits mine now right? mail it 2 me and ill send u the ce
If noone wants - ill put in AH...
Forgot about high fire + low shock magic cloak. Raised b/o for it.
Also added jelly helm med fire.
added med freeze + low shadow + low curse (offer)

Mwahahahaha!!!!! >:D It's mine now!!!!! >:D
Mail it to me (ign: irokwe) and ill send you the ce.
Why noone wants that high fire + low shock? It's good as 2nd peace of armor (not same). Fsc/shadow liar/FOV runners should love it. I sold MAX fire for 4kce...