Sources of normal damage in Tier 3.

I'm just posting this for the people who are too lazy to read the wiki.
This is not a insult to people who do know.
Edit: And for the people who keep saying: "normal defense is useless in t3.. y u want that?"
1. Trojans. All Trojans do pure normal damage, in all tiers.
2. Lumbers. All Lumbers do half normal damage & half elemental damage in Tier 2 & 3.
3. Devilites. All devilites do half normal damage & half shadow damage in Tier 2 & 3.
4. Gremlins. All gremlins (Except flamethrowers, they do elemental, & menders, who do none.) do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
5. Retrode melee. All retrode melee attacks do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
6. Blast Cubes. Blast cubes, super blast cubes, and ultra blast cubes all do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
7. Mini Jelly's. All mini jelly's (including green) do pure normal damage in all Tiers. (Danger rooms in T3)
8. Rock Jelly Cubes. All rock jelly's attacks do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
9. Imposto Cubes. All imposto cubes attacks do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
10. Lichens. All lichens tackling attempts do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
11. Mecha Knights. Mecha Knights do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
Note: Status mecha knights do half elemental half normal in Tier 2 & 3.
12. All scuttlebots attacks do pure normal damage in all Tiers.
13. Vanaduke. All vanaduke's attacks do pure normal damage.
14. Kats. All kat bites do half normal damage & half shadow damage in Tier 2 & 3.
15. Slag Guards. All slag guard attacks do pure normal damage.
16. Zombies. All zombie attacks do half normal damage & half shadow damage in Tier 2 & 3.
17. Swarm Turrets. All Swarm Turret attacks do pure normal damage.
18. Brambles. All Brambles do pure normal damage.
19. Spiked Wheels. All Spiked Wheels do pure normal damage.
20. Explosive Boxes. All explosive boxes do half normal & half elemental damage in Tier 2 & 3.
21. Spiked Jellies. All spiked jelly tackles do half normal damage & half piercing damage in Tier 2 & 3.
(All credit goes to the Wiki, though I typed this myself.)
Quite a few more then you thought, eh?

Royal Jelly is not t3
"Lumbers do half normal damage & half shadow damage in Tier 2 & 3."
That's wrong

Yeah, I cooked this up pretty fast, thanks for the correction guys.

Oh yeah lichen colonies and giant lichen colonies can do normal damage too though it seems that they usually only use it when there is only one player alive

I did say "all" lichens.
Off topic: OOO, really?
You had to do this patch with the arsenal stations and all the day my main computer breaks down?!
Gotta put my rage somewhere. =[

ty, Rangerwill. Wiki said no normal dmg in tier 3... i was all like, O.o
id expect alot more than mere proclamations from a thread title, that regards something controversial
how about 'Normal damage DOES exist in Tier 3 according to the wiki.'

Got a better title, fixed a couple of things.

Update, found out that zombies do half normal and shadow as well!

Explosion blocks do normal too right? That is technically a "source" of damage especially if you have gun happy block shooters

Ah, good idea. I shall put that down as well, thanks Trying.

I think explosion blocks are elemental :/ Ask someone else though but I thought I saw green when I sho- I mean someone else shot a block while I was near them in the past.

Yeah, just found that out on the Wiki. Thanks!

Jelly cube tackle attacks are split normal/piercing in T3, while the ground spike appears to be pure piercing.

Thanks fellows, been a while since I've updated this!
Half of them are pretty evident. Scuttlebot attacks with a red circle. You don't need to read anything for that.
Also I believe Lumbers is half elemental, not shadow