Welcome to the recruitment thread for Trolls Triumphant. We are looking for skilled T2 and T3 players. If you are interested in joining, here is exactly what I mean by 'skilled':
Able to beat the Jelly King with one other party member/solo without spending more than 150CE (elevator fees included).
Able to get to the T2 terminal solo without reviving.
Able to beat the Snarbolax solo without revive.
With the in-game requirements down, I suppose I should include a bit of info about Trolls Triumphant. Here it is:
Guild/clan tag: ♠TT♠ (If you are going to play TF2, gmod, etc with us, add this tag to your Steam name).
Website/forums: http://trollzt.forumotion.com/
Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Protrollz
Minecraft server IP: Not gonna post it publicly on the forum, to prevent griefing.
I want to join ♠TT♠, how can I join?
By filling out this form:
Steam/xfire username:
SK username:
Are you able to beat the Jelly King with one other party member/solo without spending more than 150CE (elevator fees included)?:
Are you able to get to the T2 terminal solo without reviving?:
Are you able to beat the Snarbolax solo without revive?:
Post the form on this topic, or send it to my steam or xfire.
|■Recruiting■| ♠TT♠ (Trolls Triumphant)
Mon, 12/05/2011 - 14:20
As of 12/8/2011, we are now for xbox and PC! Leocano is the head of ♠TT♠XBOX.