So apparently when we use another knight name, if we posted with different knight names before, the thing is that that other post by that other character will change it's name and avatar to your current knight. This is Hector-Uribe by the way.
Well this is dum.
Search for Twitt xD. look all the nonsense I caused.
So much for being incognito. Derfed again by OOOs! Argh!!
Like I said, so much for being incognito. Darn you OOO. Always foiling things for me. And the worst part is that everyone knows my IGN now. Frabjous day! Let the trolling harassments begin!
Seriously can you guys do something about this? I don't want to have to multiple accounts in order to have different knight posts. I do this because I have a bipolar disorder and I like having multiple spasms of personalities. Who doesn't RP these days anyways? *takes out levi and pokes OOO with it*
Hector-Uribe is my bomber character with Chromalisk line costumes. Kitty-Softpaws is my female character which I would like to equip Azure helmet and armor as costume set and carry defensive gear corresponding to stratums. Not to mention getting those sexc shields CREST OF ALMIRE and AZURE GUARDIAN SHIELD to go with the costume. And getting damage bonus trinkets and damage bonus doing swords like shadow, elemental etc to boost up. I'm hoping to make a third character that uses heavy armor like Ironmight plate gear and Volcanic plate gear. Hopefully they give us one corresponding to shadow defense. I'd make a medic (vitasuit line) if we ever get an alchemy line for them. I'm pretty pro evasion, medics would do us all some good. +10 +10 health bars each helmet and armor add that to vitapods and heart pendants, heck yes! Then all parties would love me!
Are you ACTUALLY a girl? Or a GUY that has a GIRL character?
IDK how to solve this. I just have a spare account if I need it, but normally don't.
This is just wrong. Being male and pretending to be female is just downright weird. So I've came up a list of why men pretend to be female on the internet.
1. They are perverts.
2. They are unisex, or both genders (some sort of birth defect)
3. They want to be girls.
OR they are geeks who can't get a woman so they get pleasure from pretending to be one... true story.
Like I said IN-COG-NITO. First of all you guys are completely wrong. I'd show you a picture of me so you can get a little grasp of what type of person I am but I'm not fond of sharing my life with the internet. I am always in secrecy when on the web. Government officials are always watching you = v =
I am a guy, I like girls etc blah bleh blah. Pro gamers tend to like having different types of characters. SEX(Male of Female character) is just like having a MAGE or a WARRIOR/DK etc. Stop discriminating you sad little 25+ year old men wishing I was a girl to stalk. Do not troll other trolls. That is against troll conduct.
You're all just jelly I got the name Kitty-Softpaws and now you can't! Jelly as the Royal Jelly being jelly on the ICE QUEEN. I do not flirt, I do not add for "friends", I am here for business with other gamers.
And if you must know I got the name Kitty-SoftPaws from Puss in Boots the movie. I am better looking than any of you for sure anyways. All I need is this cup of milk and Spiral Knights to complete my life. <#
Hector, gamers that are "mages" and whatnot usually have no choice to be a female character since there is no male version (in some cases).
Besides, who would want to add a guy pretending to be a girl saying "I do not want to flirt" -.-'
I got to agree with Vlad the original Kitty is the best she so amusing and EPIC. Especially, when you have Kitty and Saphy together thats just a recipe for fun =0.
That's not what I meant about RP. BE QUIET FOOS.
I was going to put Puss in Boots but it was taken. It was either Kitty-Softpaws of Humpty-Alexander. (humpty alexander dumpty)
I can't help but point out the irony of the thread topic. "dum"
Easy fix, Hector... go to "MY ACCOUNT" in upper right hand corner. Change your "identity knight." You're welcome.
I will never understand how this company works.