PvP forums?

I was wondering if these would be an idea some would like. just to have a separate PvP forums for information regarding Lockdown/Blast network and any future PvP areas.
It is currently hard to gather information about them from old post through searching and wiki.

A place to help promote PvP more, it is rather lost right now in all the other stuff.

All the basics are covered in the wiki. Weapon/armor choices should be discussed in The Arsenal. Guild battles/tournaments can be easily managed in one thread.
What use would this section have? It'd be more deserted than blast network, what a perfect way to promote it.

More hype in essence of the PvP aspect, and have a better way of getting information about strategies and team setups and such. Currently you have to do a lot of searching to get maybe one or two useful info about it that sometimes aren't even valid anymore due to change.
What do you actually need to know? there's the wiki, or if you have lockdown gear questions, just ask on arsenal.