Need to check up on that. :/
Scenario Rooms (!!Spoilers!!)
Oops, wrote the wrong name. What Ironskullkid said, Shadowstarkirby.
@Gwen Those are both the same image.
So... lichens are aliens? Whoa, I thought they were just left over desert gone bad... O_O
Actually this is a commonly known fact to every educated knight ;-)
A Recording available at the beginning of every Lichenous Lair states clearly that "Lichens are strange, alien varieties of slimes though to have arrived on this world in a large meteor". I'm surprised it's not on a wiki yet.
Anyway it's good that our explorers have found this meteor - it proves that our assumptions about origins of lichens were quite accurate.
*facepalm* I fail, that's what I get for putting up images before I go to bed...
Here's what the 2nd link was supposed to be.
anyways, here is a senario room in graveyard
failed to activate it though
Gray blocks = disguised monster boxes spawning Scuttlebots
Also, i don't know if this should count but... - all those wolvers on screen spawned at once, seemed like an ambush.
>.< I need to start finding these rooms
When scenario rooms were added to the game, the patch said that the scenario rooms would "possibly add some hints about the story" or something along those lines. A lot of us t3-ers got excited, thinking that we were going to learn something new, but we so far have been disappointed. So, my question is: Are we looking at this the right way?
Perhaps the story hints are intended for people who have not reached all of the bosses. Things like shadowfire lying around and "Project R" are obvious references to those of us who have fought Vanaduke and the Roarmulous Twins, but how would they look to someone who has never fought those guys?
The point is, I don't think that there's any new plot to be found from the scenario rooms. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong :(
You're partially right, but I have a slightly different theory. I think that for now, the scenario rooms are just kind of rehashing stuff people already know about the game, kind of saying "hey guys! this is important!" I mean there's been a ton of stuff about crystals and whatnot. I think that as new content is about to be released, we'll get a hint of it in the scenario rooms. The more gremliny and graveyard ones are much more cryptic, and could hint at an undead boss, or more info about King Tinkizar and just gremlins in general. I think there's a lot of potential here, and I think we've jut seen the beginning of what is to come with these.
Though of course I could be totally wrong. Fingers crossed I'm not.
I was in T2 and I came across an area with a single switch surrounded by boxes.
Well, I broke the boxes and there were four Scuttlebots hidden; upon hitting the switch, two Friendly Mecha Knights appeared.
This was quite wonderful since there was a danger room just up ahead.
Hot poison slime action, spawned first in a wasteworks - slimeway and then again in this same run in wasteworks - mechanized mile.
Wolver Den, Frosty Fury, Tier 1
I saw some snipes! Shortly after, I ran into this strange looking room. More pools, and some curious looking statues - of gun puppies. I figured I was in for a challenge, threw a vial at it, and ... nothing. No interactable objects either. A bunch of extra treasure boxes is always nice though.
Not sure if this one has been posted already. Proto knight next to a campfire with party buttons on the entrance and exit. Standing in the room resulted in being healed. The pad and box in the back doesn't function as an arsenal station, which is rather unfortunate as I had equipped my roarmulus set and then ported into a fiend-themed clockworks tunnel, though thankfully I had my magnus on me which I had been using for switch shooting.
Also props to Dan Cinjen for providing some lovely colour commentary during my brief stopover in Haven before jumping into my friend's party.
minerals yellow + purple = undead (spookat) on platform:
guy doing research about stuff we already know. :)
He made a gremlin mender and I asked Nicoya in the text box if it was shown yet (although now I realize I took the image before I asked him XD)
I will edit this post once I find out the name of the level
Power Complex, Tier2
It's been shown
And it's surprising how something this interesting died so quickly :/
Iv'e found 5:
I found the knight who was hiding behind candles, only now the candles were unlit and the knight was dead.
Has the Construct crystal room been posted yet? The Scuttlebot on the platform looks a bit weird. I think it got horribly mistextured.
Personally, I blame Boswick.
It's been shown
Ah, I was afraid of that. I didn't check, however, because I wanted to be able to discover the rooms on my own, so I tried to avoid looking at others' posts in this topic as much as possible.
Cooling Chamber, Mechanized Mile
too bad i dont have a pic :( it was one where this guy was detaching spikes from jellies.
I'm sure this has been posted already, but I went and took photos anyway. ^^;
So I was in Devilish Drudgery, Toxic Workplace in Tier 1, Depth 6. I saw many buttons surrounded by those purple markings.
Also on the side was a pile of books. One titled "Fiendish Self-Help Book":
After putting the statues on the buttons, a wild Trojan appeared in the center (while I hid behind a statue to frantically take a photo XD):
Don't know if this one has been posted yet...
Some random frost level, depth 10
If you stand around the campfire, you get healed. And you can talk to the guy, and what he says is told in the screenshot.
In clockworks there is a knight on a computer with a despiked jelly next to him! Pets are coming soon!!
I dont have any screen shots but somewhere (I dont know where I didnt know it was a scenario room.) there was a camp. One Knight said "I think I left my sword at base camp." Another said "Dont forget to revive fallen team mates." I also found a graveyard but I didnt read any of the tombstones. HERP DERP.
I don't remember were I found this a few days ago. Gremlins are up to something.... maybe they should go fix the background so it doesn't fall on me!
This room looked a little more... cultist than the others.
Five ways to appease your Pit Boss:
Once I placed a statue on each button, it was apparent that the five ways were five (six? I likely miscounted) Silkwings.
Wow, it's been a while since someone posted something NEW.
Good job Jade!
Not Really sure if this is a scenario
Recently, I've encountered Recruits Training Camp, that Tram has mentioned several posts above (I've posted about it already on Wiki Editors forum - but maybe it should be mentioned here as well).
Instructor says:
Remember your trainings, Knights!
Revive your fallen squadmates!
Coordinate your attacks!
Recruits say:
Have any pointers for me?
This is my first expeditions into the Clockworks!
Have you seen a danger room yet? I hear they are really though.
Did I leave my calibur back at the Arsenal Station...?
I think I need to craft a better shield when I get back to Haven.
I just need to rest a bit before moving on.
Found two that seemed pretty interesting:
First one spawned lichens and was in a Lichenous Lair, second one gave me a grim spark when I tried to go into the fog, which poisoned me.
I came across this area today it's not so much a scenario but i've never seen it before and i've been playing for some time so i consider it rare or a new addition.
@Zuluknight Good heavens, Vechs really did take over from Boswick.
While I'm at it, not sure if anyone's posted the wolver crystal room yet:
Anyone knows whats the deal with the Blue slime on the crystal rooms?
I found one with a never seen before monster :O
That's a despiked frost jelly try setting frost jellies on fire and you'll get one of those.
I found this today ive never seen it before so im going to post it here.
Large cooling fan surrounded by crystal blocks.
After breaking the crystals i found 5 Ice cubes and 2 dead gremlins
The level is cooling chamber D10 of the new roarmulus gate.
I found this one. you click the ! mark on the pool and you get heat and crowns
today I found something interesting in wolver den, if I remember correctly
@Qror I just found the abandoned version of that one
Depth 17 - Cooling Chamber - Mechanized Mile - 3 gremlins / 7 scuttlebots - brown blocks are hidden monster cages and the whole room is some kind of furnace, i guess?
You guys found the variety ones from the camp series of scenario rooms
Nicoya found the abandoned one and I think Qror found the recruitment one, but it's hard to tell the difference between some of them.
I guess there should be another category called Sub-Scenario Rooms for unusual, but not interactive.
Discovered on Roarmulus Gate, Depth 10, Cooling Passage.
Gremlins came out & Ambushed us, Demos & Thwackers. There were Dark Boxes(Like the Ones in the Picture) That acted like Monster Cages & Released Scuttlebots.
EDIT: Didn't See Paweu's Pictures.
@Oakgear That tile is pretty common in T3 graveyards, though I've only seen it in T2/T1 once.
Well then that's why because I haven't been to a graveyard in tier3 (strangely o.O), weird it's in tier1 then
Sub and I got the same one as Gingermace. Since I already uploaded the pics I'll link them.
It seems that the 2 giant crystal and a monster room, the various ones in Wolver Dens, and Devilite offices are common. The flashier ones (Project R, Lichen Meteor, the giant support beam through the floor) seem rarer.