Yes, I know that some people already did threads like this. But who cares. Oh, right. You do. Well, maybe not. It depends on who you are and why you're reading this thread.
Okay, I'll stop talking to myself now. Srry.
Long-reach weapons. You know, stuff like spears, sythes, halberds, glaives, etc. They'd be really useful for catching those last grelims hiding in the corners behind status grates in danger room. I already have a few suggestions.
Slicer, 2*
A long-ranged, slow weapon. Looks like a worn-out sythe with long, crooked shaft. Blade is grey with patches of red/brown (rust?), has a few barbs. Shaft is now brown. Basic attack is a sweep in front of you that has a long and wide range, and can inflict heavy damage, and tiny knockback(half a square?). However, is slow. Slower than the troika line, maybe. Charge attack is a 360 degree spin that does roughly 1.5X more damage that the basic attack. Cause little knockback. Deals normal damage.
Sweeper, 3*
A bit less worn-out looking. Shaft is now grey. Blade is still grey with spots of black, but no rust. Still does normal damage. Speed is increased a bit.
Slitter, 4*
Looks a bit less worn-out than the Sweeper, blade is now Faust purple. Few runes inscribed on the shaft. Shaft is now black, blade has a faint purple aura. Black also has a gem of that black mineral (whats it called?) in the middle.
Same as Sweeper, except now does half shadow damage, half normal. Charge attack is pure shadow damage. Speed is slightly increased. Charge attack now does about 2X more damage than basic attack, and is now a 720 degree spin.
Reaper, 5*
Looks quite fancy. Shaft is Pure black, blade is Faust Purple. THere is an eye on the blade, and various runes covering the blade and shaft. The entire sythe has a quite noticable aura. Several Shards of that purple mineral are stuck on the blade, and at the end of the shaft, there is a crystal.
Same as sweeper, but pure shadow damage. Speed is slightly increased again. Charge now has a low chance of causing minor curse, does roughly about 2X more damage as basic attack, and is now a 960 degress spin.
Will add other stuff later. Have no more time right now. Please leave feedback, comments, and new ideas!
no one has read this yet, hate to see a semi-okay idea go to waste like this.