Sun, 12/18/2011 - 18:05

Sold to Drkxpenpen for 4k ce!
Mon, 12/26/2011 - 16:03

Current bid: 3k ce by
Current bid: 3k ce by Etendue!
Auction lasts till 2012.
Current bid is still only 3k ce, super mega cheap for this kind of weapon (typical price of CTR Med is 2-3k ce, and I'm offering High here).
Thu, 12/29/2011 - 03:05

Still super cheap!
Current bid - 3.4k ce by Drkxpenpen.
Happy holidays, everyone!
Thu, 12/29/2011 - 14:16

In-game bid by Hitten: 3.5k
In-game bid by Hitten: 3.5k ce!
Sat, 12/31/2011 - 17:54

Auction closed!
Drkxpenpen wins the sword with 4k ce bid! Congratulations!
Write me when you're online so we can make the trade.
Happy new year, everyone!
Sun, 01/01/2012 - 17:15

Merci beaucoup
I sent you a friend request, if that facilitates the process. I'm on at random times throughout the day and night, so hopefully we'll run into each other.
Sun, 01/01/2012 - 18:30

Sold to Drkxpenpen for 4k ce.
Sold to Drkxpenpen for 4k ce. Thanks and happy holidays! :)
With CE being cheap as never before in $3 packs (1000 ce and elevator pass for 2 weeks!!! plus a silver key!!! its over 1.6k ce for $3 + ele pass free!) and the new monsters (some of which can't even be defeated, all of which don't have specific weaknesses) Caliburs with CTR UV will be popular like NEVER before! Mostly thanks to "normal" damage that works on any monster, including the new type, and its charged attack's kickback power, which will clear the way of any golden monsters.
Make sure you grab it at current wonderful price!
Price not changed. Grab it fast and enjoy!