Silversix & Blackhawk needs rebalancing

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Vlad's picture

|Families..............|Weak to...........|Normal...........| Resistant

|Slime Family........|Shadow...........|Elemental......|Piercing
|Beast Family........|Piercing...........|Shadow.........|Elemental
|Gremlin Family.....|Shadow...........|Piercing.........|Elemental
|Construct Family..|Elemental.........|Shadow.........|Piercing
|Fiend Family........|Piercing...........|Elemental.......|Shadow
|Undead Family.....|Elemental........|Piercing..........|Shadow

The Blackhawk a lot of damage to:
Slime, even if it is strongly resistant to piercing, but weak to shadow
Fiends, even if it is strongly resistant to shadow, but weak to piercing
Gremlin, but it should be doing a lot of damage anyways
Beast, same with the Gremlins

The Silversix does a lot of damage to:

The Blackhawk should only do OK damage to Slimes and Fiends because they both do "weak to" and resistant damage, but they still end up as strong damage. If this rule applies to the Silversix, it should be doing a lot of damage to the Construct and Beast Families, but they do little damage. Even if the Fiend family is weak to Piercing and OK with elemental, the Silversix STILL doesn't do a lot of damage. Right now the dual damage thing seems a little buggy...

So my question is:
Will this Dual damage thing be fixed?

Legacy Username
I made a Silversix with the

I made a Silversix with the intent to do extra damage on Constructs, and was very saddened upon finding out that unlike Blackhawk, it doesn't get the sam double type bonus.

This is a horribly imbalanced attribute, that needs to be fixed. Otherwise, Silversix has no real merit.

Legacy Username
Blackhawk is the same way as

Blackhawk is the same way as Silversix. It does "good" damage against Gremlins and Beasts only, everything else is lower than normal damage. Enemy weakness is not equivalent to enemy resistance in terms of how damage is affected.

Legacy Username

Do you even have both of the guns? I do. The Blackhawk is ridiculously bad. There wasn't much thought put into the creation of this gun. It doesn't do "a lot" of damage to slimes, or anything you listed. it does "bad" damage.

Legacy Username

While the damage types may or may not be cool, I would like the guns to get some more damage per shot.
It's quite ridiculous that a level 10 Argent Peacemaker deals such punny damage to Citadel zombies. (unless they buffed them since the beta end)

Vlad's picture
Bad damage? When I had a

Bad damage? When I had a Blackhawk it was good against gremlins, slimes, fiends and beasts.

The silversix only is good agains undead, which is only good at the Citadel

Legacy Username
Should just remove the

Should just remove the piercing attribute off both guns.

Master-Gunslinger's picture

I agree with Afoxi, these half-half typed guns are really terrible when put next to their pure typed companions. I have the blackhawk and it does just as bad damage as the silversix (compared to a friend's same level & outfit setup).
But I have to say that the piercing + elemental combo is a bad one, especially when compared to the alchemers that do much more damage and usually have a status effect.
Only 2 guns that have shadow damage, and both don't really shine.

Damage is all relative. I

Damage is all relative. I notice that the purebreed weapons do approximately 2-3x more damage than the antigua line counterpart per shot. But at the same time, you're looking at a 2 shot clip compared to a 6 shot clip (that fires at a relatively faster speed as well). I use all types of guns, and while I'm more comfortable using antigua line, I notice that it honestly takes me practically the same amount of time to kill most enemies with either type of gun.

The alchemers can definitely do more damage (especially in tight mobs) because of bullet splits, but that assumes they're hitting. And if you consider charge attacks, in the time it takes me to charge an alchemer, I could have easily fired off 3 full clips of antigua with my current attack speed mods. One advantage that antigua has over other guns is the bullet speed is so fast you can hit dodgers like wolvers and devilites without having to wait for them for stop and attack, because 2-shotters aren't fast enough for it.

Meh. Honestly, all the guns feel the same to me. I'm most comfortable using my blackhawk/silversix as main weapons and using alchemers for crowd control, but in the end, I kill my targets equally as fast no matter what I use.