Wild Hunting Blade Video Tutorial

So yeah, in a previous thread I was asked to create a video showing how I used the Wild Hunting Blade in certain situations. That thread is now beginning to die, so in order for my guide to reach more people, I decided to put it in a new thread. The tutorial can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBhSfa5Xhqw
I am by no means an expert; I know I made mistakes dealing with certain monsters (probably the fiends, since I died a few minutes after the devilites shot) so please feel free to point out any errors I have made, or even post here about your tactics regarding the cutter line weapons.

The video is very clear, with nice annotations. I'd like to see more demonstration of the charge attack, because I have always viewed the charge attack as unusable, but some DVS/WHB fans claim that they can use it really well. So please show me how to use it well.
In the video, especially near the start, there is a lot of fighting against beasts. This part of the video is an inadvertent advertisement for piercing swords. Anyone who has ever seen piercing swords in action will immediately recognize that they destroy beasts far faster than your video's WHB. (They also destroy fiends far faster than WHB does. They are also surprisingly good against gremlins (almost as much DPS as Gran Faust) and undead.)

I use the charge on gun puppies,howitzers, lumbers, and occasionally trojans. You have to either get someone else to aggro first and then hit them or wait until they attack and go behind them.
I think you could also pull it off on Vana's mask phase though I havent tried that out.

@Glasscake Thank you so much for making this!

Have you ever tried turning off auto-target? I know a lot of people don't bother with this, but it makes using the WHB and DVS so much easier. Take Lumbers for instance, in your video you said the easiest way to beat it was to wait for it to attack then unleash a charge attack. That works when there only a few enemies present, but leaves you wide open if there's a large crowd. You might also have a misstep and get slammed.
With auto-target off, you can actually dance around the Lumber, kiting it while doing your combo at the same time. I've found this to be one of the easiest and safest ways to take out not only Lumbers, but many of the larger enemies. Besides Lumber-kiting, it lets you have full control of the direction you're swinging in, which is extremely helpful as you can imagine.
Of course, there are times when you do want auto-target on. Flourishes and BTB, for instance, are nigh-impossible to aim without AT. It's useful to have a button assigned for turning AT on or off, to get the best of both worlds. Personally I bound mine to Alt, and I use it all the time as a swordsman.

Wow, sorry for the late reply! I didn't expect to get so many replies!
I'll answer all the comments one by one:
@Witalon: Thanks! The Dread Venom Striker is better then the Wild Hunting Blade, I just use it because I think it's cool.
@Alynn: I'm glad you like it :) We should meet in game sometime and show off our weapons together!
@Bopp: I actually made another video for the charge attack here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB0j13NvDLA&context=C39cfaefADOEgsToPDskL.... And yeah, piercing weapons are alot more effective against beasts than the Wild Hunting Blade, but I think the boost the Wild Hunting Blade gets is that, unlike piercing weapons, it can turn from attacking beasts to attacking constructs without any trouble.
@Slayzz Thank YOU so much for the positive comment!
@Neonbarnacle I'll need to try it without auto-target, I can't say I've used it. I'm rather inaccurate at aiming though, so it might not be a good idea. Still, looking at what you've said, I may as well give it a shot :)
Great video! But i think i´m gona get dread venom striker, not the wild hunting blade.