both of these are just fun features i would like to see. i cant see any reason someone would dislike having this as an option. SK has such beautiful scenery and id love to see it from more perspectives plus it could allow for even more secrets if you have to turn the camera to see them. im thinking of like using the arrow keys to turn it 90 degrees in a certain direction.
GRAPHICS: 3D or rotating camera
using the arrow keys to turn is kinda hard 'coz some of us use the arrow keys to move.
Yeah, but any way to rotate camer would be nice. I hate how you are you disadvantaged on some situations when you are in upper part of screen and enemies are in lower part of screen and you dont see them untill its too close while if enemies would be in upper part of screen, you would see them.
The idea of new secrets/easter eggs seems awesome. I'd love if this was implemented.
Guys, keyboards have like a hundred keys; a rotating camera could operate with only 2 (for left and right rotation). Maybe a third button to restore its original position would be cool as well.
Plus, this shouldn't be hard to program and patch...
Make the screen pan to show the whole area when fighting RT and Vana.
in segas hands i dont see why this couldnt be
but there should be a feature to turn it on or off for slower bad computers
Don't you know what panning is?
The screen zooms out to show the whole arena. Useful for Vana and RT.
Also with rotating, if you use spiral spy, walls only show from one angle. So if rotating camera turned around the camera to a place where the wall doesn't show, the game would look shoddy.
I mentioned this before on another thread I believe, if you use the Spiral Spy model viewer program you will find that the developers don't bother to texture the parts of many models that you can't see from the overhead view, when viewed from other angles you will find big empty holes in the places that are hidden from view in game.
To make your idea possible they would need to essentially remake every model and texture map so they can be viewed from all angles, something that would take an enormous amount of time and work, and would greatly increase the memory and system requirements to run SK. It's not a bad idea, just not possible without a complete overhaul of the game.
If rotation would cause problems, being able to at least zoom in and out wouldn't. The camera would still be at the default angle, thus not revealing the unseen part of models, but would give a wider perspective, or a closer look on details.
Zoom could work, maybe not as great as rotating, but quite close to that, plus it's still easy to implement.
3D support is the one im really rooting for