so i thought that if the forum can come up with a couple of questions that address most people's concern, the developer will be more inclinded to answer them.
i'll keep track of them here in the first post. also, i'll sort them by popularity, so vote for the questions of your choice too.
Game Related:
(5) Will there be a Trade Channel? Auction House?
andrzej:Yes, there will be [a trade channel] with the next release (along with the ability to /join and /leave it and the general zone channel).(trade chat is in game as of 4/19)
(3) What's planned for the future?
(3) Where to get a Blackened Crest?
(2) Will there be a generally accepted suggestions/ do not suggest list of ideas so we can get some idea of what things they like and don't like to hear about?
andrzej:I like that idea. I think for Puzzle Pirates, there's a forum sticky (The List) containing the suggestions divided into categories: near future/far future/probably won't happen.
(2) Whats the timeline on PVP? Will there tournament rewards? Betting?
Can we have an option to leave to party and go on alone?
andrzej:I don't see why not, since you can obviously accomplish the same thing by having someone boot you. I guess it's just a question of where to put the button. Options menu?(implemented as of 4/19)
What is the primary color of your knight?
Favorite monster?
Will there be more Bosses?
andrzej:I think that's a given.
Any plans to increase community interaction?
andrzej:Yes, we've discussed this, and would definitely like to increase interaction. This will probably take the form of a developer blog.
Are there going to be more Tiers than Tier 3?
Do enemies' defenses split into normal and typed just like the knights?
Do you laugh when you see discussions about energy?
When will The Core get released?
Are attractions other than the clockworks planned?
What does the switch in the last stage of Citadel do?
Will we see tortodrone return in the future? Why was he taken out in the first place?
Is Shrine of Slumber/Torpal Titan still a possible level outcome with the new gate building system?
Why were so many of the more interesting bonuses on 5* armors removed or changed, making them less unique? (vog cub, grey owlite, angelic line)
Will we ever see the east side of haven?
Why does the Cold Iron Vanquisher suck?
Are less useful items going to be balanced in the future? (weapon, armor sets, etc.)
What criteria do GMs have to follow to place Alloy or can they just place whatever Alloy they feel like? Why not just let us make mono-thematic gates?
What are the little red valves for? Why can you hit them and what does it do?
Will there be more towns?!?! (not including subtowns/checkpoints) If the Cradle (the planet) is so big, why are there only two (one and a half) surface towns?
Will the snipe animation be improved? They're SOOO CUUTE...
Will there ever be a Map of the Cradle/Clockworks that let's people choose their own path?
Why do Vatel's wares suck so much?
Plans for rebalancing T3 to give more heat for its difficulty?
Would a dev like a complete walkthrough of everything currently wrong with the Citadel and Vanaduke?
Do the devs ever "slum it" and play random PUGs with players?
Is there a special dev guild where only the developers dwell and they all play together?
What was the aesthetic inspiration for the game?It seems to have a mix of high fantasy, steampunk, and classic dungeoneering.
What games were you digging when you guys came up with the look and feel of this game?
Who is the knight you see outside of Haven Town Square? The one who's all geared up with 5* everything?
Could we get more feminine-looking options for gear?
Is there anything that the players did and/or are doing that surprised you? Hopefully it was a pleasant surprise!
Are there any plans to release spiral knights gift cards? you know, for those of us for whom cash is a lil easier to come by than electronic monies, but would still like to buy ce.
Who are the Spiral Knights? What are they? What was their mission? Why did they crash?
why no spiral knight can land their own ship safely?
Any plans to allow players to unbound their armor and weapons by paying energy/crowns?
Who composed the wonderful music and what is it inspired by?
If you have ten million dollars to spend for the game what would you do?
Don't you think the current energy market limits the game, in such a way that it isn't enjoyable anymore, for new players?
Questions not about Spiral Knights:
What kind of cheese do you enjoy best?
Hyperion: Not a developer, but I'm very partial to Havarti cheese.
andrzej: Brie!
Coriolis: Provolone!
If you HAD TO kiss another member of the team, who would it be?
andrzej:NO COMMENT.
What is your opinion about lederhosen?
Can you ride your bike with no handlebars?
Where is [Shoebox's] sandwich?
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Who shot first, Han or Greedo?
Hyperion:Little late, but Han totally shot first. He's not one to sit around and let the other guy get the first strike!
How Many Licks does it take to Reach the Tootsie Roll Center of a Tootsie Pop?
[Paska] would greedily ask one to give [Paska] a Kat helm.
What did the development team do for Easter?
Whats planned for in the future. Near and far.