Almost every status we have is associated to elemental, except for curse that is related to shadow. When i say that they are related to elemental what i mean is that most of the this statuses are inflicted by weapons of this type of damage. We have exceptions like Flamberge and Biohazard though.
-Fire, freeze and shock are related to Elemental
-Curse related to Shadow
-Freeze and shock deal Elemental Damage
-Curse and Fire deal Normal Damage
There is no status related to piercing, neither one that deals piercing damage. What if we got a piercing damage dealing status. That will lead to new weapons and an strategical use of those weapons. The weapons wouldnt have to necessarily deal piercing damage, It could be a mace that deals normal damage and has a chance to inflict this status.
Example 1:
Non Damaging status. When you have this status everytime you advance 4 squares you get a spasm like the ones you get when shocked.
Example 2:
Damaging status. Holonimbus made a status named Cripple. Basically it does piercing damage only when you move.
Those are some examples of piercing related statuses
Wow, finally something not related to pets/new weapon lines... This is cool, i like your idea ^^
What would it be called? Wound status?
Don't make it deal damage though, that's too mainstream. Fire, shock and curse already do that.
Make it act like a REAL wound instead, slowing enemies down, and making them deal less damage, as if pain made them weaker.