I'd like to know if you guys would like a new PvP consisting on all vs 1 gameplay. I was inspired by some 3 on 1 minigames from the Mario Party game series. TL;DR at the bottom.
Called "Survival", the game works in rounds and is placed in a medium sized maze, probably the size of a Blast Network arena, with no dead ends but filled with obstacles such as traps and places to hide. There are no teams and no costumes or trinkets are allowed.
In each round, a player, out of a max of 6, is randomly chosen to be the Hunter (although you can only be it once per match).
The remaining players are called Preys for that round and are meant to survive while the Hunter tries to chase and kill them all.
Players are respawned at the start of each round at their respective respawn points (Hunter at the middle of the map and Preys scattered around it). The chat and name viewing during play would be disabled for the entire match, in order to prevent alliances from forming or spectating Preys from snitching the Hunter's location.
Prey and Hunter Classes:
There are three Hunter classes players can choose from (Concepts by Skold-The-Drac):
Damage Bonus - Medium (Any weapon);
Movement Speed Increase - Ultra x5 (Twice the normal speed);
Attack Speed Increase - Medium;
Health Bonus - (10, 20, 40. Respectively for each Tier);
Guardian Shield.
Damage Bonus - High (Guns and swords);
Movement Speed Increase - Ultra x3 (160% of the normal speed);
Attack Speed Increase - Very High;
Health Bonus - Half the Juggernaut's (5, 10, 20);
Half-visible when shielding (Similar to Chromalisks).
Damage Bonus - Very High (Only for bombs);
Movement Speed Increase - Ultra x5 (200% of the normal speed);
Charge Time Reduction - Very High;
Health Bonus - 3/4 the Juggernaut's (8, 15, 30);
Normal Shield.
(If you don't agree with any bonuses, please tell me why and how you would fix it)
Preys would be able to shield-bump the Hunter, as a standard defense, and can choose from three modified LD classes:
Their Boost would be nerfed to be as fast as an Assassin. They'd only shield-bump if they block at the same moment they're hit.
They wouldn't have expanded shields (only the personal, as usual) and wouldn't heal anyone in any way. Normal shield-bumping.
No Recon Markings would be emitted and they'd be half-visible, just like Assassins. Normal shield-bumping.
Since different Hunter and Prey Classes get different boosts in speed, it may seem a bit confusing how certain ocasions would behave. Aemicus gave me the idea of presenting a 0 to 10 Speed Scale which should give you a better idea of these events:
10 -- Juggernaut and Bombardier
8 ---- Boosted Striker, Assassin and cloaked Assassin
7 ---- Shielded Juggernaut or Bombardier
5 ---- Guardian, Striker, Recon and cloaked Recon
3 ---- Shielded Guardian
Stun would work as it normally does, probably dropping any speed in 1 or 2 units.
Hunter Gameplay, Status and Skills:
Hunters would have clear sight only in a limited radius around them, just like Graveyard levels in the Clockworks, but much more short-sighted (About 2/3 of the screen). Assassins would have an even shorter sight (half of the screen) due to their ability of spotting Preys outside the clear sight zone (See "Skills" below). Hunters wouldn't be able to shield-bump Preys, but should be really hard to take down, although not harder than killing all the Preys; in other words, it should be harder being the Hunter than being a Prey on a skilled "team" (Everyone's basically by themselves).
Status Resistances and Immunities
Hunters would have basic status resistances of 25% of their damage and/or duration, which added to other resistances of the same status would have a limit of 60%, to prevent stacking of resistances from reaching immunity.
Any player would be able to purchase an specific status immunity for an ammount of CE. The immunity would be active during every round, not only Hunter rounds and should give you bigger chances of surviving, dealing more damage and killing more Preys or even kill the Hunter itself. Costs should be lower for immunities against less effective statuses (such as Poison and Curse). Costs and duration are open for debate.
They would also have exclusive special skills to help them or their mission (All concepts by Aemicus):
Juggernaut - Bound
Active Skill. Double tap your shield button to take an immediate leap forward. Useful for ambushes, avoiding traps and escaping tricky situations. The leap's speed should be around 20 units on the Speed Scale and the distance traveled would depend on your shield power:
Blue - 10 Squares; Green - 8 Squares; Yellow - 6 Squares;
Orange - 4 Squares; Red - 2 Squares; Broken - Unavailable.
Assasssin - Flair
Passive Skill. Whenever any Prey is behind an Assassin's blind sight, they are covered with a really blurry red aura, for easier Prey spotting. Similar to this, but much blurrier/weaker outlines (Auras). Excuse my bad editing, I made it on Paint '-'
Bombardier - Short Fuse
Passive Skill. The time it takes for a bomb to explode, after its placement, is reduced by half.
Rounds and Points:
The round ends after a single minute or when the Hunter has killed every other player. If the round starts with less than 6 players, it will last less 12 seconds for each missing player. If all Preys are killed, the Hunter is given 15 points and they get nothing. The Hunter also gets 1 point for each kill (total of 20, for a complete service in a filled room).
If the time runs out, the Hunter gets nothing, the Prey survivors get 10 points each and the dead are given 5 points. If the Hunter is killed, it gets nothing and the killer is rewarded 20 extra points (added to survivor points, 30 in total).
You are given 2 points every time you manage to chop off 3 bars of health from the Hunter. You'd better watch out though, you might get killed.
The match ends after every player's been the Hunter once (Maximum duration of 6 minutes).
Costs, Bribes and Rewards:
For tradition's sake, Survival's Entry Fee will be worth 200 Crowns, and the rewards will add up to 70% of the total money spent with those fees, just like in LD and BN.
Rewards (in crowns):
1st -- 300
2nd - 280
3rd - 260
If a player happens to have as many points as another at the end of a match, the one with the biggest Damage/Second rate (Damage dealt divided by time spent alive) shall be the first of them both (Idea by Darkbrady).
Bribing King Krogmo for Krogmo Coins or other prizes would work as usual.
Extended Mode:
A long-lasting version of the game would also be playable with some changes on the 6-player game (called Frenzy Mode):
- Maximum number of players would be 11.
- Maps would be bigger, maybe the size of a Treasure Vault.
- Each round would last up to 3 minutes (Maximum duration of 33 minutes).
- If there are less than 11 players, there would be less 18 seconds for each one missing.
- Prey respawn points would be farther from the Hunter's, as a consequence of a bigger map.
- Entry Fees would be worth 1000 Crowns and Rewards would be changed to:
1st -- 2050
2nd - 1800
3rd - 1550
4th - 1300
5th - 1000
If you'd like to complement the idea with artworks of any kind, I'll feature and credit them here:
Maps (Currently, all made by Oakgear)
Trenches - Extended Trenches
A grassy, dirty and mysterious landscape with dying fiendish trees. the prime one, in the middle is much bigger than the others and has fiendish markings scarved on it, which were probably used as part of some ritual. Hills and trenches would be an important factor on the map, causing knights to look for alternative ways to go around those hills.
Fallen Gear - Extended Fallen Gear
An old factory's multiple gigantic gears fell from great heights with enough brutality to pierce trough the steel floor, interfering on other engines. These gears can be turned by other switches to reveal their hollowed parts which let knights pass through it, acting as gates.
Sewers - Extended Sewers
The sewers underneath Haven have become a stranded battlefield. Knights can't walk on water, but can change its level if both main valves are hit. This control over water level would change the map completely, revealing passages and covering others whenever water level is changed.
Castle - Extended Castle
A Firestrom Citadel styled Castle, cleary abandoned seen that vines cling to its grey walls. The map's elevation gets higher the closer it is to the north side and is composed by staircases which may move at random moments, one at a time, giving or preventing access to certain areas.
The symbol configures both kinds of players in the game: The Hunter, at the back, with serious eyes, focused on a Prey right in front of it. (Concept by Oakgear and artwork by Severage)
New PvP mix of 'Hide and Seek' and 'Tag', adapted to SK with three new classes, maps, abilities and 'all VS one' gameplay.
I'll edit this as I get more suggestions.
Sounds ok, but could use some more detail. Not saying that its not enough, its a great start, but more detail is always great. the points system threw me off a bit, other than that the idea sounds not too bad. Ill support this.