A 5 star sword for spur/winmillion

16 replies [Last post]
Miss-Shin's picture

Please make a 5 star for the Spur line!! A lot of us have the 4 star Winmillion and are waiting/looking forward to seeing a 5 star version of it.

Severage's picture

There's a really, really friendly Search bar up there, that if you search "5* Spur", you'll probably find 100 topics in the past month. I'd recommend using it. :P

In all seriousness though, there are a few more established threads that you could support and post on, I don't really think that clogging up the place with more threads about it will help the idea get through all too well.


I agree with this. In fact, I

I agree with this. In fact, I wouldn't think bad of an idea for two different variations of the sword for when it got to 5-star.

Tuhui's picture
too much effort to comment on

too much effort to comment on another 5* spur. you aren't the first and i don't think you will be the last...

Supercoolguy's picture
i agree, but.

what color will the 5* spur will be?

Aula's picture

And here is the post I made on it:

Softhead's picture

Elaborate. Take your ideas further. I don't want to comment on an empty idea.

Hexzyle's picture

This thread is older. You should comment on this one rather than creating a duplicate one with no more info.

spur 5 star dissine

guys guys i have an idea of spur 5 star see this link http://cs10504.vk.com/u18302456/150467651/x_c86bf9c9.jpg and its pic of sword http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae249/Flamdrenite/GaleForceFinal.png will be like this or http://i.imgur.com/znbQE3w.png this

this will be can good idea :D it will be called winnbilion not million

Holy-Nightmare's picture
I don't mind reposting ideas

I don't mind reposting ideas so long as you make some sort of definite suggestion. Just asking for 5star winmillion is not.

Next time try suggesting mechanics, type, color, status, etc. Even invent your own version of what it would be like (provided it is balanced).

Bignastycupcake's picture
So many of these.

We might be getting these topics more than promos >.>

Firemetal's picture

Good ideas :)

Help me

Guys i cant do this all alone and i cant make winnbillion/5 star spur alone if you dont help me so plees help me to make it so we can get the spur 5 star!

Bignastycupcake's picture

Look before you post, there is a zillion of these. Just calm down.

Keepscaite's picture
I'mma bump this post so that

I'mma bump this post so that more people will post here about their Spur 5* ideas instead of making new threads.

Game Master

Well i dont know that what are the game Masters doing,they just turn on an event or cheack the bugs and try to repair it,well thats a good thing but they just make new costums or make some prize boxes i dont why the hell are they not trying to make the spur 5 star. (sorry for saying this game masters but i am angry) :(

Balanced idea

I have an idea in 5 star spur when we do an charged attack its would create a tornado like an graviton vortex which would gather enemys in the hole and when it explode it would do 30 damage to tear 1 , 70 damage to tear 2 , 140 damage to tear 3. plus i think that spur must be elemantal like over charged mixer.