I'm not kidding, let's have a legit discussion about this. The Wiki page uses "(s)he", but this assumes Bec's a he OR a she and being neither is not an option (and from this point on I will refer to Bechamel with the "ze" and "hir" pronouns).
Do you think ze is?
Do you think it would matter?
Do you have any reasoning behind your answers for the previous questions?
Am I reading too much into this? Barely, actually. There really shouldn't be anything wrong with a fictional character being transgendered.
Will this stir up controversy? Well, so what if it does? It keeps people's brains alive. And last time I checked, I'm not doing anything wrong by making this thread. I'm only just trying to incite some degree of intelligent conversation (and I'm trying to satisfy my curiosity regarding SK's community on the basis of how people treat this thread/answer to it... More on that once I get some responses).
I've always operated under the assumption that Bechamel is a she. Wouldn't really have a problem were it to be officially announced that Bech's a ze, but until then I'll continue thinking it's a she.
Also knowing the SK staff, I'm doubting there'd be an announcement like that.