Just wondering if it's possible, 'cause it'll mean more people would be able to play SK and allow the ones who are already able to play more chances to play it on the go when we're surrounded by nothing but Macs
Mac compatibility?
I'm currently playing the game on a Mac!
If any of you playing on Macs run into disconnect problems, be aware there is a current issue with the sound on bombs causing issues. So you might want to keep those bombs in your pockets until that is fixed.
i WIN!
I bumped the very last one, suggestion for a Harry Mack soundtrack, in August.
Clotho, get in here; Eury is sleeping on the job again!
hi 2010 thread.
I won't even answer to the question since google exists on mac too.
Well I suppose the bump is actually somewhat valid. Even if a bit unusual.
I don't own a mac, but I wouldn't imagine it to be any different from dowloading it on any other supported system; i.e. from the play button on the main website (here) or via the Steam store. Or on one of the other various MMO websites, I suppose. If you particularly enjoy the idea of playing via Kongregate or wherever else, you could find the game there.
What Heresy is THIS?! How dare you use the abominations created by that aweful bald man long ago?! The windows elders will have a word with you SOON.
Oh wait, this is in the suggestions forum. Significantly less of a valid bump now. Guess it doesn't matter. It will fade into obscurity again soon enough.
hi again 2010 thread.
hi past me.
I'm still here and it totally did until you ruined it. But seriously it's OK to bump things for a reason etc. but not to be counterculture.
But we do have a reason! The game doesn't run on Linux if you're a Steam user!
It is playable on OS X (and Linux). You should be able to run or download it from the applet page at http://www.spiralknights.com/register/thanks.wm, but the direct link to the Mac download is http://download.threerings.net/spiral/client/spiral-install.dmg.