Patch Notes Jan 30, 2012

Winter has finally left Haven and all the snow has melted. See you next Winter!
Some NPC Knights have received an art update.
Chroma and Salamander style armors now accept back accessories.
Oh man, can't wait for the wings....

They can't all be winners. We'll get our big update soon enough, although whether or not that one's going to have the things any particular person is looking forward to in it is anybody's guess.

If it's what I think that I've seen in SpiralSpy, I can tell you that the new NPCs' looks will be awesome

Had me excited when I saw the server was to reboot, now I am disappoint. Back to waiting I guess, nothing better to do, other than stare at npcs with there new threads.

They could also have added some stealth stuff (Like the sonic armor and tails tails)
Lets hope they did add something good.

How troll-worthy of them >.> I was waiting all month for an awesome update, and this is what we get.. :(

I'm going to miss the snow... and who ever was shoveling the snow non stop so we didn't fall on our butts, thank you <3
Anyways I like this update but it doesn't take much to impress me either. I mean I get to change outfits to my spring/summer now that winter is over, The npc's may look super cute (and hopefully that super huge knight waiting by the front entrance is well... jeeze what are you eating boy! The rest of us aren't that tall!), and I can't wait for those wings and hopefully the chroma series gets some love. Vogs make you look fat.
Hopefully they will have some extra things that weren't mentioned like flying wolvers.

Yes I CAN PUT WINGS ON MY Sala Gear =) Wooot <3 this update and no more snow hell ya.

so that stupid map, frostbite, will be finally gone? -.-

OH GOD DAMN IT. So much hope for the Year of the Dragon update lost just now ;-;

I really fail to see why this must be released before the dragon wings, but...

I also hope for the frostcrap map to disappear, that would make this a good update in my eyes ^^

No it won't. Winter is gone from haven, not from lockdown.

Does anyone have screenshots of the new NPC art? I really like Cherub's style so I'm curious to see.

New lieutenant Vaelyn really rocks (plus now there's hope for those who crave for dual wielding).

You could already see it with the Winterfest update.

really? the snow stuff must have been blocking it for me

Or... or... or....
Focus on things that matter.
The chroma change is understandable for the dragon wings. I can see why winter would end.
The NPC change is a waste of our donations and all of our time. We all should be thinking like this guy:
"no crimson order update? -_-"
Instead of praising new NPC graphic changes.
We aren't necessarily expecting them to throw up some content update - that is ridiculous, they only need to be making that their main focus / coming up with ideas or god forbid look at our ideas in the suggestion foru... I mean graveyard 2.0 -.- We have patience, but that patience goes away when we are given updates such as these. And our patience is stabbed in the back when we are given a marketting scheme like the shadow lairs.
And there are also other important things that take priority over NPC graphics and buffing 1 and 0 star items like gun / gun armor balancing.

Mika on forums?
OMG THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mika in LD?
OMG THE END IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed you classic Haven theme music...
btw, is it just me or is it like sundown in haven?

You ignored the issue of gunslinger hats for this!?
Where the heck are these reskinned NPC's anyways?
This is insulting honestly.

Most updates are in the works long before any knowledge of them is actually released to us. OOO has not mentioned changing the Gunslinger look yet unfortunately, although it would be very nice.
It could very well be that they wanted to remove the Winter stuff before adding Dragon festival stuff, missions etc in another update later this week. As we found out with the idle animations patch sometimes you get very unexpected bugs... like knights being invisible. Is it not better to have them revert Haven back to normal and make sure nothing breaks then to change it and add the Dragon stuff at the same time and not know which broke something?

Can I ask any of you to.....

Seriously, I was just about to post this. I've talked to every npc save for the FSC and scenario room ones and have seen no difference. Please someone put up photos.

I logged on and see that SK is updating, got super excited about the dragon wings, and then the announcement made me disappointed. Oh well, I'm sure it's coming.
Which NPCs were reskinned? I haven't actually looked yet.

That is a good question... someone definitely needs to post pics of this... I didn't notice anything either.

Just idly speculating, but in the arcade, it really looks like clouds on the horizon. And that smells like change in the air. The swarm maybe? i got the impression that a much larger update is coming soon, and as Gwen said, better to test stuff out now so it doesn't all collapse like a house of cards when new stuff is added in. Hopefully the update that Nick hinted at is coming, I would guess February 1st, the end of the Sonic promo. It would be logical to flow from one to the other. I can't wait!

The Knight NPCs have swords on their backs now... I think... (or I'm too slow)
Arcade looks a bit eerier because of the darker background fog...
BTW most likely the back armor accessory was added on the Chroma Armor series so it can fit the dragon wings like the Pic :D

NPCs had swords on there backs before the update. I don't see anything new about the the NPCs. Either they missed part of what they intended to load for this update or we have another Secret #10 of Nick to look for...

Vise has Changed.
(His Wrench is now Visable, along with his Upper Body.)
EDIT: Sullivan Changed, too.
(He keeps his Mugged Raised, now, & also holds what seems to be Papers.)

lol looked at both of those and would have never noticed. Ok so they did not change the NPC models at all they just did some tiny tweaks to the camera position of the Menu view of the NPCs so we can now see what they are holding...
I think I would have just let that be a stealth part of the patch if I were OOO...
Wait. The patch notes say:
"Some NPC Knights have received an art update"
Neither of those adjustments to Vise and Sullivan (who are not Knights) seem to warrant being called art updates.

Guys, seriously? I'm pretty sure they mentioned the art thing because it was a small aside to let us know what else was changing when they reverted the winter theme. You guys are seriously looking too far into this.

Wumums?.. read the announcement again. Then read your post. You don't make any sense.
Yes, they were letting us know that they were reverting the winter theme, but why would they say, quoting again, "Some NPC Knights have received an art update" if they did not actually update any of the NPC Knights? That is a pretty specific statement.

Do we know if they updated any of the NPC knights? Did someone run through and check all of them? I checked spiral spy and found an alternate outfit and tabard for this one NPC model that looked pretty intricate and amazing. The thing is I see a lot of people who are just upset that this update isn't adding new content or it's not super duper amazing.
It's just an ordinary update and people are complaining for the sake of complaining. Not all updates are content updates, get over it.

In Spiral Spy there are new models for lieutenant Vaelyn and agent Kora. Both looks ok, especially Vaelyn.
I haven't been to the Core yet after update so I can't confirm if Vaelyn really has different model.
Kora, as far as I know, is visible only at the crash site, when you start new character. I don't have empty character slot so I can't create new knight to confirm it.
Also there's new model for Warden, but Wardens in Haven and Moorcroft Manor look same as before update. I haven't seen Warden in Emberlight and the one at the Core after the update yet.
Also there's new tunic-like dress for (my guess) female NPC. None of the female NPC (like Kozma or Greta) is wearing it yet.
Just a though. Agent Kora may be main NPC involved with mission system when it will be introduced. It would make sense since she's the one providing us with info on boss levels and such. It would explained why such "cameo NPC" has been upgraded.

As far as I can tell, Vaelyn looks exactly the same as in this vid:
Just been at the core, didn't see anything new. Seems this is another phantom update, like the one where they made gremlin menders not attack players. And then did it again. Or the one where they added cooldown for gremlin "dodge" move, which... didn't work.
Hopefully winter won't come back after reboot, that'd be one big FAIL :D

The fire in fsc is quite a bit toned down, and the fireballs and polaris electric balls are tighter. I imagine we will discover quite a few more changes in teh scenery in visual effects apart from characters.

@Mawashimono I hope that first one translates into better framerates!

The amount of time and effort it would take to simply re-texture each Gunslinger hat would probably come to about an hour to do a decent job, I can do it myself but it would only appear on my screen. Unless their completely remodeling each hat I see no excuse for not doing something so easy but has been requested so much, I really would appreciate an explanation to why they haven't done it or a promise that it will be done soon.

It took them forever to change the blizzbreaker and blazebreak helmets so changing gunslinger art is going to take forever too.

It took about 1 thread asking for lizard suits to be able to have wings a week ago for them to make that change.

So the new models in the files didn't actually get used? I'm getting the feel someone messed up the update lol Expecting a bugfix within a day or so displaying the new models.
Update also seems to have confirmed the Crimson Order is still way off.

The change to the chroma line almost certainly has nothing to do with that thread, rather their new dragon wing promo. They show chroma suits with the wings, I'm sure adding the back accessory was planned so that picture could become a reality in game, not just in promotional material. This is almost certainly a change that has been a VERY long time coming, not something they cooked up a week ago. As far as the gunslinger hat reskinning, I agree, that should absolutely be done, but I'm guessing that this current update is just to prepare for a much larger update that will come in conjunction with the dragon wing promo. Just my two cent.
pretty crappy update if you ask me.
I mean come on, they changed the NPC's artwork(?!?!?!?!?!?!?) and leave all the gunslinger hats the same.