I wanted to start a jk run on Friday around 1 o'clock if you want to join me you need a shadow key and need to invite me when you reach the palace. Pm in game and let me know if your interested I need he jelly gems for an Antigua
Jelly King run

Um....Why would you need a shadow key for a Tier 2 boss? Unless you are referring to the Ice queen. That's a waste of resources though, so farming the normal JK is better. But still....shadow key?

So you want people to pay fully for the key?
And you didn't specify a time zone.
And you could save more money and time and ce with normal JK runs.
Ok normal jk run on tier two invite me 1 oclock standered eastern time

This dude here is a veteran. He even posted on Chris's thread in new recruits. He knows what he's doing, especially how to fight the jelly king in shadow lairs.
Thank you someone who understands u should add me as a friend we could adventure togther some time
Yay I'm someones hero. 1st what is trolling and2nd I'm new this I like my 8th post you have to explain things a little more

so true.
*gives papiermache troll crown to Mrtechnodragon*

Ren just called /b/ack Up & the Forums are soon to be Spammed with 4Channers...
Yay I finally did something funny and entertaining for other people hurray I'm famous ( in my dreams)

OMFG im laughing so hard. XD
Can Gwen step in and tell him what's REALLY going on XD
Ren got owned
You should all add me as a friend in spiral knights then we could hang out and adventure together. Yay :] love you all make me famous (in my dreams at least Ty guys)
Haters make me famous (but wait if haters make me famous lovers must make me infamous i must be very infamous because i have lots of lovers)

I shall take you kill JK mstechnotroll, you pay me 300ce and I use my key. JK die fast, wam bam ty mam. Very easy, yes?

Lol Gwen.
I don't think anyone's hating you though, Mrtechnodragon.

"So many lulz in this thread..."
Nope. Not enough for me to think so.
lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz
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Ok, NOW there's enough.

The post ren made about being the best troll ever got sent to the graveyard. Probabaly becuase of my 4 chan comment. The second someone makes valid comments on it, he vanishes and waits for it to be silenced by a GM. I won't say nay another word though, for this thread must live to tell its tale...
I thank you this thread should be kept going when our kids have kids god bless this thred

I support that idea.
Now find me something to bear my children.

That thread has a different flow to it. This one is genuinely funny.
First I don't know what trolling is second isnt funny his started with me wanting to jk run

Dude are you stupid or something? You don't use shadow keys for JK, you use silver keys. Shadow keys are only for shadow-theme bosses, like vanaduke.
Ty but I already found that out

Wait does that mean jk is a silver themed boss?
You did say shadow key for shadow bosses...

Be right back, going to go Craft Radiant Silver Mail.

Wait does that mean jk is a silver themed boss?
You did say shadow key for shadow bosses...
I kno but everyone else knew wat I ment
Keep this thread alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow... have you really not understood this?
+1 lulz to the thread.
And no one willbe more "popular" than He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named

THERE!!!! I SAID IT!!!! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I should really post in this thread as Gwen, but you're giving me too many easy Newg posts to pass up.)
Am I he who
Must not be named
I would like to give this thread a lulz yay (thinks wat is a lulz and wat are they used for)
What on earth..