Seriously. I've done multiple dungeon runs, and MOST of the time when I get on 13F or 23F I either don't get 15k recipes or 45k recipes. Yesterday, once again I though he would have some nice recipes to sell to me on 13F, but I was WRONG ! He would only sell me useless junk. I always get 1k or 5k recipes. I tend to always get stupid recipes that nobody needs. I just solo'd my way to 23F 5 minutes ago for the first time, and this is what Basil greets me with:
I started from 8F and at 13F, he wanted to sell me 5 1k recipes and 2 5k recipes. No 15k recipes. What is going on ? Am I that unlucky ? Does this happen to anyone else or does Basil only want me to hate him to death ?
Basil is a scuppering piece of barnacle.