WTB: TF2 Keys @ 850CE for EACH Key.
WTS: Skolver Coat Ele MAX - 9k CE, Snarby Coat Shock MAX - 8k CE, Plague Needle ASI High - 7k CE, Volcanic Demo Helm MAX Fire + 2 Low UVs - 8k CE.
Leave replies here or mail Dinomilo.
WTB: TF2 Keys @ 850CE for EACH Key.
WTS: Skolver Coat Ele MAX - 9k CE, Snarby Coat Shock MAX - 8k CE, Plague Needle ASI High - 7k CE, Volcanic Demo Helm MAX Fire + 2 Low UVs - 8k CE.
Leave replies here or mail Dinomilo.
If the unbind fee isn't in the price you should mention that (because you aren't trying to basically giveaway those gears, right?)
Would like to B/O the 3-UV demo helm if you still have it.
Would you like to buy some tf2 hats?
If so, I have a clean Samureye, bonk boy, brown bomber, Headwarmer, outdoorsman, and a Genuine Bushmans Boonie
on the Demo helm?