Greetings friends! I'm here (on behalf of myself and my co-GM/butler, Mysteryzx[pictured on the left]) to tell you about an exciting new product that will most definitely satisfy all of your desires, make you rich, and--nah, not really. Read on though, because there's Cool Stuff to be talked about.
- Introduction - what the hell is this and why should i care
- Well muffin, you should care because chances are if you're even in here reading this to begin with, you're a lonely guildless hack that no one loves. Just kidding. We love you. More than your parents. More than your significant other. Yeah.
But seriously, we're simply a humble little group of vagabonds looking to expand a bit and just have as much fun with the game as possible. This includes pretty much everything. Sometimes we do runs. Sometimes we do missions. Sometimes we PVP. Sometimes we just sit around and chat. Sometimes we just backflip into the fountain for the hell of it. Whatever man, just be chill about it.
Silly intros aside, let's discuss some fun ways for you to feed your ego, AND have fun doing it.
- Advancement - For those who want to feel DISTINGUISHED
- Ranks within this game, or any game, really, are simply titles. However, they can also add a healthy sense of competition, and can be a fun way to progress and possibly get some new ways of enjoyment and insight out of the game. They also establish people who have been around for some time, and are good ways to identify legitimate veterans. Our ranking system is designed with all of these in mind. The general outline is this:
Recruits: Any tier access or any gear is fine. We'll do a boss run (whichever one your gear is capable of) with you first just to see how you play, how you act, etc. Our only real preference here is to be at least age 18, or somewhere in that general range of maturity.
Members: These are people who have been around the guild for at least two weeks and have had a positive presence, and have completed the test to reach this rank. The member test itself is fairly simple: one needs to just carry the two of us, and/or any available officer, through both the Royal Jelly Palace and the Ironclaw Munitions Factory without dying.
Veterans: These are members who have been around the guild for at least 3 weeks, have been helpful and respectful towards others in the guild, and can generally be looked to for advice on matters relating to how things in the game generally work. There is also a test that must be completed for this rank, which is essentially identical to the Member test, though the chosen venue will be Firestorm Citadel.
Officers: Officers are seen as representatives of the guild as a whole, and must have a strong positive presence and attitude within the guild and the game as a whole, with an additional factor being performance in Shadow Lairs. The minimum time spent in the guild to be considered for this position is one month, and you must at least have the rank of Veteran.
Note: Rank tests must be requested and scheduled beforehand, and can be done so at any time provided you meet the minimum requirements. You may have at most, 4 attempts per week, provided all of the relevant parties will be available.
- Guidelines and Code of Conduct - Exciting AND relevant things to remember, like a punch in the face from Clint Eastwood!
- Ranks aside, we're a pretty laid back guild you're free to do whatever, as long as you just keep a few common sense things in mind:
Don't beg. Don't spam. Don't willfully try to scam/harass/argue with other players. Don't randomly invite or bother people who may not be available for runs, don't pester them to play guild PVP, don't constantly ask what gear or recipes you should get next, etc, etc. We're all guildmates and we're here to support each other and have fun with the GAME, but try to handle yourselves and be calm and considerate before you do anything, k? Cool. That just leaves us with one last detail.
- Application
- If you'd like to join us, just send a mail with answers to the following (very simple) questions to either myself (Soral) or Mysteryzx.
1. How old are you?
2. What timezone are you in?
3. When are you active and for how long?
4. What is your current tier clearance?
5. What other things would you like to share with us about yourself as a person?And that wraps it all up folks. Hope to hear from you soon!
We're back with a vengance! Let's get this thing going already!