As you can see, rage and quitting is filling the forum up. This is just for a reason: We don't have yet a definite answer about us getting a gifting/trading client for the new Expansion Missions. You said you were "trying to" put it in, but many people are taking it as corporate talk for "never".
You know that if you answer with it this will stop, we don't care that you are giving it first to other users. But please, give us a date, a something. This way, all chaos in the forum (which is increasing and forumers even are arguing between themselves) will most likely cease at once.
It sort of sounds bad my post, maybe. But I am doing it so we can all be quiet and you, OOO, don't lose more players which ragequit. Many may be f2pers, but there have been some p2pers already which went off.... so, there, please answer.
I cannot give you a date as I do not even know if it's possible. We are are only investigating the possibility of implementing the feature at this time.